- This tree bears well. 这棵树果实累累。
- This tree bears a hard red fruit. 这树结一种红色的坚果。
- This tree bore a lot of fruit last year. 这棵树去年结了好多果儿。
- High in carbohydrates and vitamins A and C. Tree bears well and regularly without cross pollination. 高碳水化合物和维生素a和c熊树良好;并定期进行交叉授粉.
- The tree bears well. 这棵树结果多。
- The apple tree bears well. 这棵苹果树结果多。
- The peach tree bears well. 这棵桃树结果子很多。
- Our apple trees will bear well this year. 今年我们的苹果树会结许多果实。
- This tree bears no fruit. 这棵树不结果。
- This tree bears a large fruit. 这棵树结很大的果实。
- This tree bears a red fruit. 这种树结红色的果实。
- This tree bears fine apples. 这棵树结了很好的苹果。
- The trunk of this tree is four meters thick. 这棵树的树干有四米粗。
- This tree has a circumference of 6 feet. 这棵树周长六英尺。
- Look! There is a roost in this tree. 看!这棵树上有个鸟巢。
- This rambutan tree bears many fruits. 这棵红毛丹树结了很多果实。
- Their peach tree bears a lot of fruit this year. 今年他家桃树结了不老少的桃子。
- The peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 今年桃树结果不会多。
- My orchard is bearing well this year. 我的果园今年果实垒垒。
- This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow. 这棵树看起来又高又壮,实际上树干是空的。