- This tells us nowhere. 这对我们毫无用处。
- But does any of this tell us how to make them happy? 但这些告诉了我们,怎么才能让他们高兴呢?
- This argument will get us nowhere! 这种争论将不会给我们带来任何结果!
- This tells us that absolute ranking results derived from these term vectors not always are good discriminators of relevancy. 这就是说,绝对的源于这些词元向量评级的结果不一定是好相关性的差别。
- This discussion is leading us nowhere. 我们这场讨论将毫无结果。
- This line of investigation is getting us nowhere. 这种调查方式不会使我们得到任何结果。
- Schmidt said excitedly: “this tells us, the deer foot pointed cone is not they moves about in search of pasture to here stays behind, but is their family is here, north Indiana. 施密特兴奋地说:“这告诉我们,鹿脚尖锥不是他们游牧到这里留下的,而是他们的家就是这里,在印第安纳州北部。”
- He tells us in no uncertain term not to come again. 他直截了当地告诉我们不要再来了。
- Tell us your experiences in Xinjiang. 给我们谈谈你在新疆的情况。
- Just tell us the facts and don't elaborate on them. 只要告诉我们事实,不必详细说明。
- Don't prolong the agony just tell us the result! 别再让我们著急了--快告诉我们结果吧!
- She was positively bursting to tell us the news. 她迫不及待地要把那消息告诉我们。
- Sit yourself down and tell us what happened. 你坐下,告诉我们怎么回事。
- All this discussion is getting us nowhere,let's come down to brass tacks and arrange about the freshmen. 所有这些讨论对我们毫无意义,让我们来谈谈实际问题如何把新生安排一下。
- This tells you an infection is on its way. 咽喉肿痛是感染发生的信号。
- This parable tells us not to trust strangers. 寓言告诫我们不要相信陌生人。
- Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。
- All this discussion is getting us nowhere, let's come down to brass tacks and arrange about the freshmen. 所有这些讨论对我们毫无意义,让我们来谈谈实际问题,把新生安排一下。
- He can probably tell us all the details we want. 他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。
- This tells me that the breeding has taken. 我可以通过这些现象来判断繁育已经成功。