- This should not surprise us. 这不应使我们感到惊奇。
- Since we tend to be unaware of many of the ways that we ourselves use language ritually, it should not surprise us when we interpret the rituals of others in a literal fashion. 因为我们往往没有意识到我们自己礼节性地使用语言的诸多方式,我们从字面上去理解他人的客套话便不足为奇了。
- Since we tend to20 be unaware of many of the ways that we ourselves use language ritually, it should not surprise us when we interpret21 the rituals of others in a literal fashion. 因为我们往往没有意识到我们自己礼节性地使用语言的诸多方式,我们从字面上去理解他人的客套话便不足为奇了。
- This should not be a matter of indifference to you. 这对你而言不能说是无关紧要的事。
- This should not walk near that bull to him. 他本不应该走近那条公牛。
- This should not be terribly difficult to do. 要做到这一些,应该说并不很困难。
- This should NOT be your evidence to make dx. 然后乳腺血管来源的恶性的多.
- But disorder is part of all truly creative human activity so this should not make us sad. 但是,漫无次序是人类真正创造性活动的组成部分,因此它不应该使我们过份担心。
- All this should not imply that CUNY is out of the woods. 如此种种,并不表示纽约城市大学已经走出泥潭。
- This should not be confused with measurements of shoot elongation. 该情况不应与枝梢延伸测定混为一谈。
- This should not surely await final refinements of policy. 这当然不必一定等待政策最后修订以后才办。
- But disorder is part of all truly creative human activities so this should not make us sad. 但是,漫无次序是人类真正创造性活动的组成部分,因此它不应该使我们过份担心。
- In the vast majority of cases, this should not be a problem. 在绝大多数情况下,这应该不成问题。
- Since this is rare, this should not be an issue in most situations. 因为这很少出现,所以这在大多数情况下应该不是问题。
- But he said this should not preclude them from traveling. 但他表示,这不应该妨碍他们出行。
- This should not preclude a search for a better hypothesis. 这不应该妨碍我们去寻求一个更好的理论。
- While this is admirable we must insist that this should not happen. 我们必须坚持组织该现象发生。
- This should not happen: trying to upload wrong type of event. 这不该发生:尝试上载事件的类型错误。
- This should not imply that biomathematics is devoid ofdata. 正如微分方程及其他模型并不仅仅用于生态学研究一样。
- But this should not be regarded as any sort of "exposure of the people". 但这不应该说是什么“暴露人民”。