- This might be a boxing operation. 这可能是装箱操作。
- Infused with storm power, this may be a key. 带着风暴的能量,可能是把钥匙。
- Well this uh, this may be a little awkward. 这可能看起来有些笨拙。
- This may be a long and difficult procedure. 这将是一个漫长而困难的作业。
- This might be a trap. 这很可能是个陷阱。
- This might be a really good time to get acquainted. I'm John Hsu. 也许现在就是我们认识的大好时机。我是许约翰。
- This may be a constructor, method, property, or field. 这可能是一个构造函数、方法、属性或字段。
- This may be a result of incorrectly parsing a file path. 这可能是由于解析文件路径错误而导致的。
- This might be a personal question, but is your family religious? 意思是私人问题。
- This might be a lifesaver if we can remember the three questions! 如果我们记着以下三个问题,极可能救回一些人的性命!
- This may be a strange place to find documentation, but there it is. 这可能是一个找到文档的奇怪的地方,但它就在那。
- This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. 假如不存在下面两个因素,这可能是一种合理的假设。
- This might be a good reason to stop using Doman. Can anyone say something? 主要是未见有证据证明右脑的开发是否会损伤左脑正常功用,以及影响自然的思维模式。
- This may be a critical error that prevents a storage group from initializing. 这可能是阻止存储组初始化的严重错误。
- This may be a reason why the city continues to fascinate more and more people. 这也许正是这座城市继续吸引人的原因。
- This may be a reference for the applications of AOTF's diffraction beams. 这对AOTF衍射光性能的应用具有参考价值。
- This may be a challenge because we still need to shine for others to see. 富足是一种存在状态,它向外发散,像处于众多星球之间的太阳那样发光发亮。
- Elliott had a hunch that this might be the night. 直觉告诉艾略特,不寻常的事就要发生了,就在今晚。
- This may be a challenge because we still need to shine for other to see. 富足是一种存在状态,它向处发散,像处于众多星球之间的太阳那样发光发亮。
- This may be a peak period for the battle against the spread of a waistline and creeping cholesterol. 今天也许是人们为减少腰围和降低胆固醇而斗争的高峰期。