- This is a house surrounded with trees and flowers. 这是花草树木环绕周围的房子。
- This is a blind valley with no exit ahead. 这是一条盲谷,前面并没有出口。
- This is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。
- This is a roof. This is a house. 这是一个屋顶。这是一座房子。
- This is a good time to buy a house. 要买房子,现在是时候。
- This is a photo of my house with the mountains in the background. 这是我家的照片,背景是群山。
- This is a subject into which many scientists have researched with no result. 这是一个虽经很多科学家研究过但尚无结果的课题。
- This is a suite in a single house with a separate entrance of a forced walkout leading to the backyard. 具体情况如下:这是一个独立出入、半地下室单元,与楼上房客互不干扰。
- I am well aware that this is a tough job. 我深知这是一件棘手的工作。
- This is a poetic movie with no absolute cause and effect, but with metaphoric film languages. 影片没有绝对的起承转合,只有一些如同剪接般的画面,不断出现。
- This is a dress with a high waistline. 这条裙子腰身部分很高。
- This is a room with good ventilation. 这是个通风良好的房间。
- This is a novel with an intricate plot. 这是一本情节错综复杂的小说。
- This is a market condition no force on earth can change. 这一市场情况任何力量也改变不了。
- This is a photo of Mary with our house in the background. 这是玛丽的照片,背景是我家的房子。
- This is a case with separate compartments for shoes, jewelry, etc. 这是一个分格存放鞋、珠宝等的箱子。
- This is a harsh world, abundant with life, but contentious life, with no mercy for the weak. 这是一个严酷的世界,生命丰富,但好斗成性,毫无怜悯弱小之心。
- This is a highly efficient new heating system. 这是个高效的新取暖系统。
- This is a house after my own heart, small, cosy and yet dignified in appearance. 这是一座小巧、适而外表又显得堂皇的房子,完全符合我的心意。
- This is a sort of indeterminate color. 这是一种说不清的颜色。