- This happened a generation ago. 这件事发生在30年前。
- A generation ago buxom actresses were popular. 一代人以前丰满的女演员很受欢迎。
- It suddenly came upon her that if this happened a few weeks ago she would have deemed deeply romantic. 她倏地意识到,要是这事发生在几个星期以前,她一定会认为它非常富有浪漫气息。
- A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown. 遗传密码在上一代确实很少有人知道。
- This happened half a century ago. 这是半个世纪前的事了。
- Problems that were very appealing a generation ago may have been resolved. 在一代人以前非常热门的问题可能已被解决。
- A generation ago, the symbol of economic polarization was the urban ghetto. Now it's the gated communities and other redoubts of the wealthy. 一代人的时间以前,经济两极分化的象征是城市聚居区,现在的象征是富人居住的有大门把守的社区和其它堡垒式的居住区。
- Once before, a generation ago, world conditions had given women the chance for emancipation. 在过去,一代人以前,世界形势曾经给妇女获得解放的机会。
- They were riding in a bus when this happened. 这事是他们乘公共汽车时发生的。
- The accident happened a little before noon. 事故是在中午前一会儿发生的。
- By and large, the British working class is better off today than it was a generation ago. 总的来说,英国劳动阶层现在比他们的前辈富裕多了。
- This happened because God willed it. 发生了这件事是上帝的旨意。
- Successful sportsmen and women are now earning sums that the stars of a generation ago could not have dreamed of. 成功的体育人正在挣到上一代明星想都不敢想的金钱。
- I have seen this happen more than once. 发生这种事我屡见不鲜。
- Smith and Moua spoke of the achievements of the Hmong since they arrived in the United States a generation ago. 史密斯和眸分别说了苗族人民从到达美国之后,上一代所取得的成就。
- So, right now, I am thinking of buying a Sony PSP for traffic jams because this happens a lot on my way home. 所以,我现在正考虑买个索尼的PSP让我在塞车的时候玩,因为我回家途中常常都会塞车。
- Asian countries that were destitute a generation ago now boast some of the highest living standards in the world. 一代人以前还十分贫困的一些亚洲国家现在跻身于生活水平最高的国家行列。
- This happened in Qingdao on a wet morning. 这件事发生在青岛一个下雨天的早上。
- A generation ago Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan did an excellent job of making the case in favour of business. 老一辈的撒切尔夫人和里根总统在主张自由市场及发展商业方面政绩卓越。
- All this happened two years ago. 这一切都是两年前的事了。