- This door is alarmed. 这扇门安装了警报器。
- This door is narrow in proportion to its height. 这扇门就其高度的比例而言窄了些。
- This door is the only way into the attic. 这扇门是通向顶楼的唯一通道。
- The catch on this door is broken. 这扇门上的吊扣坏了。
- Outside this door is the garage. 汽车房在门外边。
- The handle of this door is kept by two screws. 这扇门的把手用两枚螺丝钉固定。
- And this door is somehow more terrifying than every other nightmare combined. 不知何故,这扇门比其它所有噩梦加起来都要可怕。
- This door is the place that old man lives, he saw me squat and photo, he opened the door and say hello to me. 这个门就是阿伯住的地方。他看我一直蹲下来拍来拍去,打开门跟我打招呼。
- Opening this door will set off the alarm. 一开这道门,警铃就会响。
- Some man at the door is asking to see you. 门口有个男人要求见你。
- If anyone tamper with this door it trip the alarm. 要是有人撬这扇门, 就会触响警报器。
- The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime. 政府对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到担心。
- You should only use this door in an emergency. 在紧急情况下才能使用这扇门。
- That door is often keeping closed. 那个门常常是关着的。
- She is alarmed that he should get the post. 他竟然得到了那个职位,她对此不胜担忧。
- The aperture in the door is so wide. 门上的孔隙太大了。
- This door leads into the garden. 此门通往花园。
- This door opens onto the garden. 这道门通往花园。
- His mother is alarmed at the ghastliness of his face. 他的母亲为他恐怖的表情所担心。
- This door's a (real) bugger to open. 这扇门(真)难开。