- This bodes us no good. 这对我们是不祥之兆。
- This bodes him no good. 这对他是不祥之兆。
- This bodes you no good. 这对你是不祥之兆。
- Holidays brought us no good. 假日没给我们带来什么益处。
- Holidays brought us no good . 假日没给我们带来什么益处。
- These are Australia's favourite chocolate biscuits and to spike them with alcohol flavouring will do us no good when we've already got a problem with under-age drinking in Australia. 这些饼干原本就是澳洲出名的巧克力饼干,为它们加入酒精和香料不仅对健康无益,而且可能导致未成年人嗜酒的问题。
- As the case stands, this plan is no good. 这个计划实际上一无是处。
- This bodes ill for the failure of the programme. 这是那项计划失败的凶兆。
- This bodes well for contract packagers. 这预示着合同包装。
- It is no good asking her for a date. 要求和她定个约会也没有用。
- He was branded as no good and fired. 他被看作是不中用的人而被解雇了。
- That loose woman will come to no good. 那荡妇不会有好下场的。
- To speak frankly,this price will leave us no profit to speak of. 坦率地说,这种价格使得我们毫无利润可言了。
- It is no good hoping for other's help. 期待别人的帮助是不行的。
- To speak frankly, this price will leave us no profit to speak of. 坦率地说,这种价格使得我们毫无利润可言了。
- It's no good getting cross with him. 和他生气没有用。
- This book is no good to me: I need the new edition. 这本书对我没用,我需要新版本的。
- If we do not flatter ourselves, the flattery of others will do us no harm. 如果我们不自我吹捧,别人的奉承对我们无害。
- All three of us called,but it did no good. 我们哥儿仨异口同声地叫道,但是没有用。
- I'm sorry but I have to say that this is no good. 我很遗憾但是我必须说,这样做不好。