- This answer sealed our fate. 这个答复决定了我的命运。
- Thus,this is our fate: One head,twice bisected. 这是我们的命:一个头,被一分为二。
- From that moment our fate was sealed(= our future was decided). 从那时起我们的命运就已经注定了。
- This answer must be a crib: it's exactly the same as Jones's. 这个答案可能是抄袭来的,跟琼斯的答案一模一样。
- Our fate now depended upon victory in the air. 我们的命运现在取决于能否赢得空战的胜利。
- The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory. 援军的到来保证了我们的胜利。
- We sealed our agreement by shaking hands. 我们最后以握手表示达成了协议。
- Does this answer your requirements? 这个符合你的要求吗?
- We sealed our agreement with a handshake. 我们最后以握手表示达成了协议。
- The court met to decide our fate(s). 法院开庭以决定我们的命运.
- Tito felt a disagreeable chill at this answer. 听见这样的答复,蒂托感到一阵不愉快的寒意。
- Envy may dissatisfy us with our fate. 嫉妒会使我们对自己的命运感到不满。
- This answer had a happy effect upon the audience. 这回答对于旁听群众有一种快乐的效果。
- Let the living and the dying seal our comradeship. 让活着的人和行将死去的人对我们的同志情谊作出庄严的保证吧。
- This answer is based on the societies structure. 答案取决于社会结构。
- Envy may dissatisfy us with our fate . 嫉妒会使我们对自己的命运感到不满。
- This answer is no sense/unreasonable. 这答案没道理。
- Our fates are inextricably joined. 我们的命运是不可分地连结在一起的。
- Our fate will much turn on the manager's decision. 我们的命运将取决于经理的决定。
- This answer opens the door to new objections. 这个答案为其它异议开了方便之门。