- Third Order Structure 三级构造
- A chaotic attractor of the double-scroll structure is observed from a third order autonomous electrical circuit which has only one nonlinear resistor. 从仅含有一个非线性电阻元件的三阶自治电路中观察到了双扭曲结构的混沌吸引子。
- Today's example function is evaluating a third order polynomial. 今天的例子是评测一个三次多项式。
- Double dagger: A typographic symbol used as a third order reference mark. 双剑号:用于第三个脚注的印刷字体附注符号。
- Then you have a medicine of the third order of his own kind multipliable. 然后你让他自己类型的一颗第三个次序的药多易曲折。
- In this paper,order structure of quasi-left-al ternating BCI-algebra is discussed,the Hasse graph is given,and the operating law is clearly described. 讨论了拟左交错BCI-代数的序结构,给出了其哈斯图,揭示了图中元素间的运算关系。
- The results show there is structure modulation in lanthanum chromates and the model of long-range order structure is built up. 高分辨电镜的观察发现了铬酸镧晶体中存在结构调幅,并构建了长程有序结构的模型。
- Double dagger A typographic symbol used as a third order reference mark.See Reference marks. 用于第三个脚注的印刷字体附注符号。参阅附注符号。
- Knowing the third order intercept point allows calculation of the approximate level of the. 显然,三次截止点允许用输出信号的函数近似计算三次互调失真成分。
- The mechanic property, microstructures, formation mechanics and deform behavior of magnesium alloy with novel long-period stacking order structure are described in detail. 重点阐述了新型长周期堆垛有序结构镁合金的力学性能、微观组织、形成机理及强化机制;
- At last in this chapter, the influence of third order dispersion (TOD) on DMS transmission are studied. 最后,研究了三阶色散(TOD)对DMS传输的影响,采用数值计算方法,详细研究了不同DMS系统参数条件下,TOD影响的效果。
- The proline rich helix, glycine rich helix, and importance of these residues and water molecules in forming the higher order structure of collagen fibers. 贝它褶板的成份对丝蛋白的强度、弹性与伸缩性的关连性。丝蛋白的丝心蛋白的基因编码。
- Using third order polynomial fitting in center area of FOV, the theory focal length also can be computed. 在计算镜头畸变中,利用中心视场区域内畸变设计无穷小,采用三次多项式拟和的方法,计算镜头理论焦距;
- Furthermore, utilizing the way of resonant tank equivalent, predigests the third order system mathematical model. 利用谐振槽等效的方法,进一步简化系统的数学模型,得到逆变器的降阶状态方程;
- Then we design a fully differential amplifier combined with a third order Butterworth Sallen-Key low-pass filter. 因此在信号处理电路部分设计一个差动放大电路串接一个三阶的低通滤波器。
- Nonresonant Third order Nonlinearity in Azobenzene Derivatives Doped PMMA Films[J]. 引用该论文 鲍信先;郑树梓;李淳飞.
- The third order nonlinear optical property of PMOCOPV was studied by degenerate four wave mixing(DFWM). 采用简并四波混频(DFWM)方法研究了PMOCOPV的三阶非线性光学性质。
- Moreover, it was found the main reasonof causing difference was the existenceof ordered structure of two samples. 分析发现,样品存在有序结构是引起差异的主要原因。
- It provides a clue for the research in the causes of the macroscopical ordered structure. 它从原则上为认识宏观有序结构的起因提供了可寻的线索。
- Theoretical Calculation of the Third Order Nonlinear Optical Properties in Strongly Coupled Exciton-Phonon Systems[J]. 引用该论文 姚鸣;朱卡的;袁晓忠;蒋逸文;吴卓杰.