- Thinopyrum ponticum 十倍体长穗偃麦草
- Partial wheat - Thinopyrum amphiploid 八倍体小偃麦
- Thinopyrum intermedium ssp trichophorum 茸毛偃麦草
- Wheat- Thinopyrum partial amphiploid 八倍体小偃麦
- Keywords Triticum aestivum;Thinopyrum bessarabicum;disomic alien addition lines; 普通小麦;百萨偃麦草;二体异附加系;
- Identification of Ditelosome 7Ai-1L of the Chromosome Arm in Thinopyrum intermedium by Cytogenetic Methods and its Microdissection and Microcloning 中间偃麦草染色体臂7Ai-1L端体的细胞遗传学鉴定及显微分离与克隆
- Sect. Ponticumn. 常绿杜鹃组
- Tinopyrum ponticum 长穗偃麦草
- Keywords wheat (Triticum aestivum L.);Thinpyrum ponticum (Podp.) Barkworth&Dewey;somatic hybridization;heredity;genome, hypervariation region;diploidization, regeneration complementation; 小麦;长穗偃麦草;体细胞杂交;遗传;基因组;易变位点;多倍体二倍化;杂种植株互补再生;
- Thinopyrum intermedium 中间偃麦草
- Thinopyrum 偃麦草
- Thinopyrum bessarabicum Loere 百萨偃麦草
- Thinopyrum bessarabicum Love 百萨偃麦草
- Thinopyrum elongatum 长穗偃麦草
- Thinopyrum intermidum 中间偃麦草
- Thinopyrum intervnedium 中间偃麦草
- Diploid Thinopyrum elongatum 二倍体长穗偃麦草
- Thinopyrum bessarabicum 百萨偃麦草
- Keywords Thinopyrum intermedium;wheat;Ae.squarrosa;Blumeria graminis;R..cerealisis;NPR1 homolog genes TiNH1;regulative response;Transient expression system;retrotransposons;transcription; 中间偃麦草;粗山羊草;小麦;小麦白粉病菌;小麦纹枯病菌;NPR1类似基因NH1;调控反应;瞬间表达系统;增强抗性;反转录转座子;转录;