- They were hit by a natural calamity last year. 他们去年遭灾了。
- They were building a dam last year. 去年他们在建一个大坝。
- They were invented in the eighteenth century. 它们是18世纪发明的。
- TRACY: Why? They were definitely good last year. 为什么? 去年就搞得确实挺好的了.
- They were in fashion last year and the year before last. 这鞋在去年和前年时兴
- Good.Now Class repeat after me. They were invented by Eidson. 通过同一方法重复不同的发明。当学生明白后,教师接着问。
- They are hoping to repeat last year's victory. 他们希望重复去年的胜利。
- They aren't anything like last year's team. 他们压根儿不喜欢去年的球队。
- They are so much better than they were last year on offense. 他们的防守比去年时好多了。
- They are raising more pigs and poultry than they did last year . 他们现在饲养的生猪和家禽比去年多。
- They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago. 他们正在重复发明二百年前中国人已经发明的火药。
- They borrowed a lot of money last year and they are in debt now. 他们去年借了许多钱,现在他们债台高筑。
- Sales of the dictionary are twice what they were in the same quarter last year. 这部词典的销售量是去年同季度的两倍。
- Britain's workers went sick(= did not go to work because they were ill)for a record number of days last year. 去年英国工人的病假天数创下了记录。
- You put your foot in it when you told her how much you admired her husband. They were divorced last year! 你在她面前对她的丈夫大加赞赏的时候闹笑话了,他俩去年就离婚了。
- Showing guests his collection of neon signs, Burman says they are invented long before valves. 带著访客参访他霓虹灯的收藏,玻门说这些发明都早于真空管。
- They are now doing almost twice as much business as they were last year. 他们现在的营业额几乎为去年的两倍。
- The seals were rescued from Rhode Island beaches, where they were stranded last year. 这些海豹去年在罗得岛的海滩搁浅时获救。
- Police said they were in a group which had accosted two men on a street in May last year. 警方说,他们同属一个集团,去年5月在街头搭讪2名男子。
- They are inventing a kind of medicine to replace this one. 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.