- They traveled together. 他们一起旅游。
- They traveled on the steamboat along the coast. 他们坐着小汽船沿着海岸旅行。
- They traveled to a village overshadowed by mountains. 他们旅游到了一个被山影笼罩的村庄。
- They traveled by train to the coast and thenceforth by boat to China. 他们乘火车到海岸,再从那里乘船到中国。
- As we traveled together, we started to grow apart. 我们在一起旅行的时候产生了隔阂。
- They traveled 20 kilometers on foot. 他们徒步旅行20公里。
- They traveled like a blue streak through Spain. 他们闪电般地在西班牙旅行了一趟。
- They traveled deep into the African jungle. 他们的旅行深入到了非洲丛林腹地。
- They traveled almost thirteen thousand kilometers. 他们的行程将近1.;3万公里。
- I like to combine with the persons travel together. 我喜欢与合得来的人一起旅行.
- They traveled by different roads. 他们走着不同的道路。
- They traveled to Berlin third-class. 他们乘三等车去柏林旅行。
- They traveled downthe River Congo. 他们沿刚果河顺流而下。
- They traveled to Shanghai in third class. 他们乘三等舱去上海。
- They traveled under the protection of a number of soldiers. 他们在一些士兵的护卫下旅行。
- We were going to travel together to as far as Paris. 我们曾打算一起远游到巴黎。
- They travel the stallion to different farms. 他们将这些种马运送到各个农场。
- I travelled together with my classmates. 我和同班同学们一起去旅行。
- Travelling together by car is fast. 一起坐小汽车旅行非常快。
- They travel(l)ed like a blue streak through Italy. 他们走马观花般地走遍意大利。