- They spoke to Jan. 他们和简讲话了。
- They spoke to me under the guise of friendship. 他们伪装成友善的样子对我说话。
- And Joseph wept when they spoke to him. 他们对约瑟说这话,约瑟就哭了。
- Are they speaking to each other again yet? 他们俩和好了没有?
- Everyone they spoke to had written off the marriage before it began. 所有和他们谈过话的人在他们结婚之前就已经认为这个婚姻是会失败的。
- Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three when they spoke to Pharaoh. 摩西、亚伦与法老说话的时候,摩西八十岁,亚伦八十三岁。
- But add 'em all up and they speak to a tremendous unhappiness. 可加在一起,它们就表现为极大的痛苦。
- Moses was eighty years old and Aaron eighty-three, when they spoke to Pharaoh. 摩西,亚伦与法老说话的时候,摩西八十岁,亚伦八十三岁。
- They speak to the vulnerability that we all feel from time to time. 他们跟我们偶尔全部的易受伤说话。
- At times, when they caught me intoxicated, they spoke to me calmly about their feelings, but generally left me alone. 有几次我喝醉,被他们逮到了,他们就很冷静地告诉我他们的感觉,但是通常都会让我一个人静一静。
- When David's young men came, they spoke to Nabal according to all these words in David's name; then they waited. 大卫的仆人到了、将这话题大卫的名都告诉了拿八、就住了口。
- The captain and the sailors knelt on the deck and prayed. But this time they spoke to God and thanked him for saving them all. 船长和水手们跪在甲板上祈祷。但这次他们是在对上帝说话,感谢他拯救了他们所有人。
- As they carried me, they spoke to one an-other in a gibberish that sounded like the bark of a squirrel or the rough cough of a deer. 他们扛着我时,彼此间叽里咕噜地说话,听上去像松鼠的叫声,又像鹿粗声大气的咳嗽。
- Because their sister Dinah had been defiled, Jacob's sons replied deceitfully as they spoke to Shechem and his father Hamor. 雅各的儿子们因为示剑玷污了他们的妹子底拿,就用诡诈的话回答示剑和他父亲哈抹
- He spoke to the class about the dangers of smoking. 他给班上学生讲了吸烟的危害性。
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈一会儿。
- They speak to see again, and does not think about a bit they can not meet forever. 他们说再见,一点也没想到他们再也不能相见了。
- Spoke to me under the guise of friendship. 伪装成友善的样子对我说话
- My mother often spoke to me about you. 家母常和我谈起你。
- And they spoke to them in Shiloh in the land of Canaan, saying, Jehovah commanded through Moses that we be given cities to dwell in with their pasture lands for our cattle. 2在迦南地的示罗对他们说,从前耶和华藉着摩西吩咐给我们城邑居住,并城邑的郊野可以牧放我们的牲畜。