- They sent him packing. 他们把他撵走了。
- They sent him a painting of steeds. 他们送给他一幅骏马图。
- The boss called him to the office and sent him packing. 老板把他叫到办公室,叫他另谋生计。
- We were fed up with his nonsense and sent him packing. 我们不爱听他的胡说八道,把他撵走了。
- They sent him the communique the next morning. 第二天早上,他们派人把公报送给了他。
- When the boss found Ron loafing on the job, he sent him packing. 当老板发现罗恩在磨洋工,他马上把他辞掉了。
- They sent him on although he was ill. 虽然他有病, 但他们还是让他继续表演。
- When the boss found Ron loafing on the job,he sent him packing. 当老板发现罗恩在磨洋工,他马上把他辞掉了。
- They sent him out to get the newspaper. 他们派他去取报纸。
- The boss called him to the office and send him packing. 老板把他叫到办公室,叫他另谋生计。
- They sent him over to the police. 他们将他遣送警察局。
- A salesman called while you were out. I sent him packing. 直译是‘叫人收拾行李’,意思则是‘撵他走’,例如
- They sent him to the funny farm finally. 他们最后还是把他送进了疯人院。
- If Silvester comes round here again I'll send him packing! 如果西尔维斯特再来这里,这立刻叫他滚蛋!
- He wanted to borrow money off me, but I sent him packing. 他想跟我借钱,我叫他走开。
- If Silvester comes round here again,I'll send him packing! 如果西尔维斯特再来这里,就立刻叫他滚蛋!
- They sent him here to collect information about China. 他们派他到这里来搜集有关中国的情报。
- They sent him word that they wanted their rights as Englishmen. 他们派人告诉他说,他们要求英国人应有的权利。
- The psychologist they sent him to "was a really cool guy," Gates recalls. 父母给他找的心理医生“真是个很酷的家伙”,盖茨在回忆这段往事时说。
- The report they sent him read as follows: To King Darius: Cordial greetings. 7本上写着说,愿大利乌王诸事平安。