- They replied in vague terms. 他们的答复含糊其词。
- "It's the smoke detector," they replied in unison. "是烟雾探测器,"他们异口同声地说。
- "Last week, Clinton talked in vague terms about the creation of a nuclear umbrella to protect the Mid East alies Mideast allies against the a possible Iranian nuclear attack. 上周,克林顿含糊其辞地就创建核保护伞来防止中东盟国遭受潜在的伊朗袭击这一问题发表讲话。
- "Last week, Clinton talked in vague terms about the creation of a " nuclear umbrella " to protect Mid-East Mideast allies against the a possible Iranian nuclear attack. 上周,克林顿含糊其辞地就创建核保护伞以防止中东盟国遭受到潜在的伊朗核袭击这一问题发表谈话。
- This is important because many incident reports often talk in vague terms about a failure in safety culture without grounding these observations in the activities of particular organisations and groups. 这很重要,因为许多事件报告通常以模糊的词汇来讨论安全文化下的错误,没有依据这些特殊组织和群体活动中所得到的观察。
- They replied to the enemy's fire with a barrage. 他们用一阵炮火回击敌人的射击。
- The letter was deliberately couched in very vague terms. 这封信故意写得含糊其词。
- The students replied in unison that they didn't want a test. 学生一致回答他们不想要考试。
- Tesla's thoughts were like drowning rats, seeking any avenue of escape, marshaling in vaguest terms things that Burak might want to hear. 泰斯拉的思绪好似即将溺毙的鼠群寻找每个可能的逃生出路一般,整理着任何一个巴拉克可能想要去听且最为含混不清的措辞。
- All the students replied in chorus to the teacher's question. 所有学生齐声回答老师的问题。
- They replied to the enemy rs fire with a barrage. 他们用一阵炮火回击敌人的射击。
- He replied in the affirmative to my question. 就我的问题他给予了肯定的回答。
- In a hurried manner he replied in the affirmative. 他慌忙作了肯定的回答。
- They replied to the enemy's attack with heavy gunfire. 他们以猛烈的炮火对付敌人的攻击。
- She replied in a measured tone to his threat. 她以很有分寸的语气回答了他的威胁。
- "We will," the brothers replied in unison. “好,”弟兄两个人齐声应道。
- They printed his reply in the Sunday Times. 他们把他的回复刊登在了《星期日泰晤士报》上。
- He replied in a voice as innocent as Milady's. 他以一种与米拉蒂同样漫不经心的口吻回答说。
- The pupils replied in one voice. 小学生异口同声地回答。
- "They belong to the Marquis of Carabas," they replied. “它们属于卡拉巴斯侯爵所有,”他们回答说。