- They never fell out. 他们从来没有不和过。
- It fell out that they never saw each other again until the end of the war. 事实是直到战争结束,他们才重新见面。
- He had never fallen out on a hike. 他行军从不掉队。
- Totally free from any strap, side extension and imprints, and never fall out. 彻底抛弃肩带、背扣,无印无痕,永远拒绝尴尬走光。
- I've never fallen out with my sister. 我和姐姐从没翻过脸。
- Opening the heart for dolphins and whales is less imperative as they never fell into a thought-form that was “mental only” or electrical in nature. 对于海豚和鲸鱼来说,打开心灵较不需要,因为它们从未跌入“仅仅理智”的思想形态或电性思想形态。
- He had never fallen out on a hike, he was as strong as any of them. 他行军从不掉队,气力不比谁差。
- The seven young fellows of the Cleary's family were especially unusual, each of them didn't want to marry any and they never fall in love with the young girls. 尤其是克利里家的七个小伙子无一例外地都不喜欢女人,并认为结婚成家没有什么意思,这不能不让人感到奇怪。
- The two of them never fell out. 他们俩从来没翻过脸。
- They fell out with each other just before their marriage. 他们就在举行婚礼之前吵了起来。
- If anything fell out amiss, they would reconsider it. 如果有什么不妥,他们会重新考虑这件事的。
- They never met without smiling at each other. 他们每一次相遇都彼此微笑。
- He will never fall away even in time of danger. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。
- They never appealed to us for mercy. 他们从不向我们乞求怜悯。
- She fell out from extreme fatigue. 她由于极度疲劳而掉队了。
- They never met from that day forward. 他们从那天以後再也未能相见。
- Everything fell out as we had anticipated. 一切结果正如我们所预料的那样。
- We were pleased with the way things fell out. 我们对事情的进展感到高兴。
- Once he made a promise, he would never fall back. 他一是答应了就决不会食言。
- The Irish is a fair people; they never speak well of one another. 爱尔兰人是公平的人民,他们决不互相称赞。