- They finally negotiated a peace treaty. 他们最终谈判达成了一个和平条约。
- They negotiated a peace treaty. 他们通过谈判达成和平协议。
- The two countries negotiated a peace treaty. 两个国家商定了和平条约。
- He saught to avenge a dishonorable victory by the Jurchens.He had many victories but was forced to give up his plan when the South negotiated a peace treaty in 1164. 他一直试图抗击金军,取得了很多次胜利,但是1164年南部与金达成了和解,辛弃疾不得不放弃反击计划。
- The two countries drew up a peace treaty after the war ended. 战争结束后,两国起草了一份和平协议。
- Hostilities ended with the conclusion of a peace treaty. 和平条约签定以後,战事随之结束。
- The proposal of new terms for a peace treaty. 缔结和平条约新条款的建议。
- They negotiated a treaty. 他们商订了一项条约。
- They negotiated a treaty . 他们商订了一项条约。
- They never signed a peace treaty after the conflict on the Korean Peninsular in the 1950s. 两国于50年代在朝鲜半岛发生了冲突,之后双方从未签署过一个和平条约。
- A peace treaty was patched together on the same day. 在同一天里, 一个和平条约草草地签订了。
- But Mr Ma's avowed goal of a peace treaty seems distant. 但马先生关于和平条约的公开目标看来尚很遥远。
- Not all of them are friendly, and some might demand that the player attacks their enemies before they agree to trading or a peace treaty. 并不是所有的外星人都是友好的,有一些甚至需要玩家在签订贸易或和平协定的时候先与他们的敌人开战。
- These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty. 这些谈判目的在于为签定和平条约铺平道路。
- In 1614 Pocahontas married a settler, and shortly thereafter Powhatan negotiated a peace agreement. 1614年波瓦坦在协商了一个和平协定后不久,与一名英国人结婚。
- The two sides in the war finally concluded a peace treaty through negotiation. 通过协商,战争的双方终于达成和议。
- negotiate a peace treaty 议订和约
- To Mr. Rabin,Israelis have to keep their eyes on the ball,which means not letting bursts of Arab violence get them so hysterical that they lose sight of the bigger objective they have pursued for years: a peace treaty. 依照拉宾的看法,以色列人应在大处着眼,意思就是别因阿拉伯人突发的暴乱事件而失去理智以致忽略他们多少年来所追求的重要的目标:[与巴勒斯坦人]缔结和平条约。
- They have negotiated a sale/a loan/peace. 他们已商订了售卖(贷款,和约)之事。
- After the Revolutionary War the United States and Great Britain Concluded a peace treaty . 独立战争以后,美国和英国缔结了和约。