- They lived an austere life. 他们过著极端清苦的生活。
- The meeting requested that departments under the CCP calculate their funds meticulously, manage strictly, spend according to income, and take the lead in living an austere life to ensure that this year's budget task is satisfactorily completed. 会议要求中直机关精打细算,严格管理,量入为出,带头过紧日子,确保今年预算任务圆满完成
- We led an austere life in the mountains. 我们在山区过着艰苦的生活。
- We led an austere life in the mountain. 我们在山里过着十分简朴的的生活。
- The widower is leading an austere life. 鳏夫过着艰苦的生活。
- The people are still leading an austere life in the mountains. 山区人民仍然过着艰苦的生活。
- China's departments under CCP decide to take the lead in living an austere life 中国中直机关决定带头过紧日子
- People from all walks of life voluntarily responded to the party's call of living an austere life for a few years 各行各业的人们都自觉响应党提出的过几年紧日子的号召
- They lived a rough life on a small island. 他们在小岛上过着简陋的生活。
- They lived a tranquil life in the countryside. 他们在乡下过着宁静的生活。
- Mr Mujica, a former Tupamaro guerrilla leader of the 1970s, is a small-holding farmer who leads an austere life and has a strong personal and emotional rapport with the poor. 穆希卡先生,曾是1970年图帕克游击队的前领导者,领导着简朴生活,有很强个性和友好情绪的分穷小农场的农民。
- They lived in the uncertainty on the dole. 他们依靠救济金的生活不安定。
- Peter lived an immoral life, pimping for any man who needed a woman. 彼得过着一种邪恶的生活,专为需要女人的男人拉皮条。
- I like an austere style of writing. 我喜欢朴实无华的文体。
- They lived in a house on the edge of a forest. 他们住在森林边缘一所房子里。
- They lived in a quaint little house. 他们住在一幢老式而别致的小房子里。
- They lived in neatly arranged little houses. 他们住在安排整洁的小房屋里。
- They lived next door to each other. 他们的住所相邻。
- They lived in a remote mountain village. 他们住在一个偏僻的山村。
- Father was an austere man, very strict with his children. 父亲是个严厉的人,对子女十分严格。