- They have stamped out a revolt. 他们已镇压住叛乱。
- They have straightened out a very complicated problem. 他们已经把一个非常复杂的问题搞清楚了。
- They have trampled out a narrow path. 他们踩出了一条狭窄的小路。
- They have cut out a path through the wood. 他们开出一条贯穿树林的小路。
- They have paid out a lot on repairing that house. 为了修理那所房屋他们已付出了很多钱。
- They have already put out a new periodical. 他们已经出版了一种新的期刊。
- They have worked out a new plan. 他们已经制定出新的计划。
- They have brought out a set of children's books. 他们出版了一套儿童读物。
- They have marked out a general course of action. 他们已经拟订了一个行动计划。
- They have to pay out a lot on repairing that house. 为了修理那所房子他们得付很多钱。
- They have worked out a new plan of attack. 他们制定出了新的进攻计划。
- They haven't worked out a plan yet. 他们还没制定计划。
- They have been opening out a mine. 他们正在开发一座矿山。
- They have just brought out a new book. 他们刚刚出版了一本新书。
- They have struck out a new plan. 他们想出了一个新计划。
- They have worked out a new training plan. 他们已经制订出新的训练计划。
- They have let the prisoner out a year early for good conduct. 那个囚犯因表现好,被提前一年释放。
- Since 1956 they had eked out a miserable existence. 1956年以来,他们过着一种悲惨的生活。
- They have thrown out a pier to accommodate oceangoing freighters. 他们建成一个凸式码头供停靠远洋货轮使用。
- They have gone ahead to bush out a safe way across the frozen lake. 他们已到前面去了,在冰封的湖面上用树枝标出一条安全通道。