- They fell into conversation. 他们开始交谈。
- They fell into the seething waters of the rapids. 他们跌进了汹涌的急流中。
- He fell into conversation with me. 他开始和我谈起话来。
- Then she fell into conversation with Aunt Liu. 后来她和刘大娘聊了起来。
- They fell into a lively discussion of the question. 他们热烈地讨论起这个问题来。
- They fell into each other's arms lovingly. 他们亲密地拥抱在一起。
- They fell into talk about the futrue of the farm. 他们谈起了农场的前景。
- They fell into the never-changing Saturday routine. 他们开始了每星期六见面时照例要进行的节目。
- I fell into conversation with some one who said he knew you. 我同一个说是认识你的人随便交谈起来。
- I fell into conversation with a writer at the party. 聚会中我与某位作家谈了起来。
- They fell into a sort of broken, ragged line. 他们排成了断断续续、参差不齐的一队。
- They fell into a heated discussion of the question. 他们热烈地讨论起这个问题来。
- They fell into a long discussion on the bill. 他们开始对这项议案进行长时间的审议。
- They fell into the clutches of the moneylender. 他们落入贷款者的控制之中。
- On the train I happened to fall into conversation with that young man. 在火车上我和那个年轻人偶然交谈起来。
- Float away if they fall into the water? 岂不是会掉到水里被海水带走了嘛?
- I fell into conversation with my work colleagues and got lazy with my work. 我开始和同事聊天,在工作上偷懒了。
- Broadly speaking, they fall into three groups. 粗略地说可分为三类。
- The way they fall into your arms when they cry. 她们哭泣时投入你怀抱的模样。
- I had fallen into conversation with a man on the train. 在火车上我和一个男人攀谈起来。