- They never do nothing by halves. 他们做什么事情都有始有终。
- They do nothing by halves. 他们做什么都很彻底。
- Do nothing by halves. 半途而废,前功尽弃。
- Walter did nothing by halves. 沃尔特做事从不半途而废。
- We do nothing by halves. 我们做什么都是彻底的。
- He does nothing by halves. 他做事不半途而废。
- They drip in fat, and they do nothing. 他们富得流油,而且什么都不干。
- They do nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week. 他们什么也不干,只不过每星期讲两三次废话。
- They did nothing to make the waste water clean. 他们没有采取措施净化废水。
- A child must never do anything by halves. 小孩做事不可半途而废。
- They do nothing but wait, wait to die, wait to live, wait for an absolution which would never come! 他们除了等待别无他法,等待着死亡,等待着生存,等待着永远无法赦免的心灵的忏悔!
- Patches fix only the symptom of a problem; they do nothing to address the underlying cause. 修补程式仅仅只是修补某一问题的症状,它们不能解决根本的原因。
- For weeks they did nothing about my case; they just sat on it. 他们对我的问题几个星期都不处理, 只是搁在一边。
- But such plans often only delay foreclosure, because they do nothing to make the loan affordable over time. 但是这类的计画通常只能延缓查封法拍,因为他们并无助于延期偿还贷款。
- For weeks they did nothing about my case; they just sat on it for ages. 几个星期来他们对我的案件压着不处理:他们要长久地拖延下去。
- They may feel that dealing with everything at once is insurmountable, and so they do nothing except feel more and more anxious. 他们会感到一次将所有事情处理好是无法办到所以干脆什么都不做而感到越来越焦虑。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- They did nothing to reverse the country's brutal economic contraction. 这些改革未能扭转阿根廷的经济紧缩。
- No, the Fianna never do anything by halves! 不,芬尼安无法摆脱这两个极端。
- You will lose nothing by telling the truth. 说实话并不吃亏。