- They crowded into my room. 他们挤进了我的房间。
- They crowded too many activities into my day. 他们在我的日程中安排了过多的活动。
- A stranger plunged head first into my room. 一个陌生人冒冒失失地闯进我的房间。
- If a burglar came into my room at night I'd throw something at him. 要是半夜三更窃贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。
- They crept into my room and set the box down on the bed. 他们蹑手蹑脚地走进我的房间,把箱子放在我床上。
- Disturbing thoughts crowded into my mind. 我心乱如麻。
- He came into my room to admire the full-blown narcissi. 他到我房间里来观赏盛开的水仙花。
- They crowded into tenement buildings, and found a living in factories or street peddlers. 他们挤在廉价的出租屋里过夜,在工厂劳动或在街头贩卖谋生。
- Some leaves went flying into my room. 几片叶子飞着进入我的房间。
- I went into my room and drew the curtains. 我走进房间,拉开了窗帘。
- They crowded into tenement buildings, and found a living in factories or as street peddlers. 他们挤在廉价的出租屋里过夜,在工厂劳动或在街头以贩卖谋生。
- They crowded into her garden. They took off their coats, their hats, their boots, their gloves, and their scarves. 他们拥挤在她的花园,他们脱下他们的外套,他们的靴子,他们的手套以及他们的围巾。
- You're on your honour not to go into my room. 依你的人格,相信你不会进我的房间。
- A rat burst into my room last night. 昨天一只耗子窜进了我的房间。
- A mosquito flew/buzzed into my room. 有一只蚊子飞进我房间里来了。
- If a burglar came into my room I'd throw something at him. 如果夜贼进入我的房间,我就会扔东西打他。
- He came into my room to admire the full bloom narcissi. 他到我房间里来观赏盛开的水仙花。
- Lizzy,"said he,"I was going to look for you; come into my room. 父亲连忙叫她:“丽萃,我正要找你;你马上到我房间里来一下。
- I was just reading a book when she came into my room. 她走进我房间时,我正在看书。
- He come into my room to admire the full - blow narcissi. 他到我房间里来观赏盛开的水仙花。