- They badly needed a change. 他们迫切需要一次变革。
- She's on holiday; she needed a change from work. 她正在度假,她需要放下工作改变一下生活。
- He was unshaven, and badly needed a haircut. 他没刮脸,头发也实需要剪一剪了。
- If we are to avoid defeat we need a change of leadership. 我们要避免失败的话,就要换掉领导人。
- I'm feeling rather frustrated in my present job; I need a change. 我感到现在干得很不顺心,需要换一换工作。
- The project badly needs a transfusion of cash. 这个项目急需追加现金投资。
- Our feverish planet badly needs a cure. 我们的星球正在发热,需要治疗。
- This country is going to rack and ruin; we need a change of government. 这个国家正在分崩离析,我们需要更换政府。
- I think we need a change of format. 我认为我们需要改一改形式。
- I badly need a new pair of shoes, I can't wear these anymore. 我真的很需要一双新鞋,这双不能再穿了。
- After ten years in the job, she felt stale and needed a change. 在那个岗位干了十年之后,她觉得腻了,需要换换工作。
- I think the car needs a change of oil. 我想车该换油了。
- The country needs a change of government. 这个国家的政府需要更换。
- Individually, the children are quite nice, but in a group they badly behave. 这些孩子单独呆著时都挺不错,可是聚在一起就没规没矩了。
- Having devoted two years to looking after her sick father, she badly needed a holiday. 照顾生病的父亲两年了,她急需一段假期。
- But after 64 years, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington badly need a facelift. 但是经过64年的风吹日晒,乔治。华盛顿、托马斯。杰斐逊、特雷多。罗斯福、亚伯拉罕。林肯四位前总统面部浮雕迫切需要一次整修和保养。
- If we are to avoid defeat, we need a change of leadership. 如果我们要避免失败,我们就需要改换领导人。
- I'll quit the job soon, I really need a change of air. 我很快就会辞职,因为我真的需要换一下环境。
- Eunice Ohidah : Great knowledge!I wish all parents have access to this info...Ashvin : I badly need a drama script with theme 'the role of family i...MECEJAINNAKER : Sweet blog. 互联网已经改变了我们与世界沟通的方式,它使我们可以在全球范围内,更自由地与成千上万,甚至百万千万的人交流,获得更多的信息,几乎感觉不到时间和空间的限制。
- We badly need to get a result from this match. 这场比赛我们非赢不可。