- They assailed him with slander. 他们以不实言论抨击他。
- Once out of his reach, once lost to him, and the recollection of her assailed him with unconquerable vehemence. 她一旦远走高飞了,叫他找不到了,她的影子可就猛的袭上他的心头,说什么也排斥不了。
- As soon as the young man returned home,his parents assailed him with questions about the interview. 那年轻人刚到家,他的父母亲便向他问这问那的,打听他求职面谈的事。
- As soon as the young man returned home, his parents assailed him with questions about the interview. 那年轻人刚到家,他的父母亲便向他问这问那的,打听他求职面谈的事。
- They assailed the speaker with jeers. 他们封那讲演者猛加嘲弄。
- They presented him with a bunch of flowers. 他们献给他一束鲜花。
- They are injecting him with a new drug. 他们正为他注射新药。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- They assailed a stupendous fortification. 他们袭击了一个大要塞。
- They embraced him with exclamations of joy. 他们欣喜地叫喊著拥抱他。
- Mr White countercharged Mr Smith with slander. 怀特先生反诉史密斯先生诽谤。
- They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure. 他们说了许多表示欢迎他的话。
- A mugger assailed him on the dark street. 一个强盗在漆黑的街道上袭击了他。
- They regaled him with champagne. 他们以香槟酒款待他。
- A mugger assailed him on the dark street . 一个强盗在漆黑的街道上袭击了他。
- They taunted him with cowardice/with being a coward. 他们讥笑他胆怯[是胆小鬼]。
- The mugger assulted the woman; Nightmares assailed him regularly. 抢劫犯攻击这位妇女;恶梦时时来攻击他。
- They threatened him with a lawsuit. 他们以诉讼来威胁他。
- I threatened him with public exposure. 我威胁说要向公众揭发他。
- Mr. A charged Mr. B with bribery and Mr. B countercharged Mr. A with slander. 某甲控诉某乙受贿,而某乙反诉某甲诽谤。