- They arrived shortly after. 不久以后他们抵达了。
- They arrived shortly after 5. 他们是在5点钟刚过到达的。
- Two fire engines arrived shortly after the fire blazed up. 起火后不久两辆救火车就赶到了。
- Police killed the Siberian tiger, Tatiana, shortly after they arrived at the zoo Tuesday. 周二警方到达公园后;立刻射杀了这只西伯利亚老虎塔蒂阿娜.
- Shortly after they arrived, a taxi drove up with a lone passenger in the back seat. It was Master! 不一会儿,一辆计程车到达旅馆大门,后面只有一位乘客,果真是师父!
- For example, when Ron and Harry were spotted by Muggles flying the Anglia, Snape had a copy of the Prophet in his hand telling about it very shortly after they arrived (CS5). 譬如,罗恩和哈利在安格里亚车里飞行被麻瓜们发现,当他们到达后过了一小会儿,斯内普手头已经有一份报纸报导了这件事。
- The flight was scheduled to arrive shortly after midnight. 该航班预计在午夜过后很快抵达。
- She arrived shortly after us. 我们刚到不多会儿她就到了。
- The aim of the GSM Program is to select migrants who, because of the skills they possess, are more likely to find skilled employment shortly after they arrive in Australia. GSM项目的目的是挑选出那些具有技能,并且在他们达到澳大利亚后短时间内很有可能找到技术工作的移民者。
- Local time the plane crashed at 7:15 p.m. on the 25th or so off, and is scheduled to arrive shortly after the City Medical Center Bastia. 失事飞机于当地时间25日19时15分左右起飞,按计划不久后抵达巴斯蒂亚市的医疗中心。
- Finally, they arrived at an agreement. 他们最后终于达成了协议。
- We arrived shortly before the film started. 我们在电影开始前不久到的。
- The fight broke off shortly after sunset. 战斗在太阳落山后不久突然停止了。
- They set to work as soon as they arrived. 他们一抵达就开始工作。
- Peter took to drink shortly after he lost his job. 彼得失业后不久就染上了喝酒的习惯。
- They arrived at six to the tick. 他们六点正准时到达。
- They arrived at five o'clock to the minute. 他们恰好五点到达。
- To our astonishment, they arrived on time. 使我们惊讶的是,他们准时到了。
- The fat guy drop asleep shortly after the film begin. 电影开始不久,那个胖子就睡著了。
- I believe they will arrive shortly. 我想他们马上就到