- They acclaimed him chairman. 他们以欢呼声推举他为大会主席。
- They acclaimed him (as) chairman. 他们以欢呼声推举他为大会主席。
- They acclaimed him as the best player of the year. 他们称赞他为本年度最佳运动员。
- They acclaimed him as the best actor of the year. 他们称赞他为当年最佳男演员。
- They acclaimed him as their leader. 他们推选他作为领袖。
- They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year. 他们公认他为当年最佳作家。
- They acclaimed him their leader. 他们以欢呼声拥立他为领导人。
- They acclaimed him king. 他们高呼他为国王。
- They acclaimed him king . 大家拥立他为国王.
- They elect him chairman of the committee. 他们选举他为委员会主席。
- The critics acclaimed him as a novelist of the first water. 评论家把他列为第一流的小说家。
- We elected him chairman of the board. 我们选举他为董事会主席。
- The meeting constituted him chairman. 会议任命他为主席。
- He hated us to call him Chairman Wu. 他非常不愿意我们叫他吴主任。
- The people elected him chairman. 人民选他当主席。
- They appointed him chairman. 他们任命他为主席。
- They elected him chairman. 他们选他做主席。
- The mob acclaimed him emperor. 乱民拥立他为皇帝。
- There are now some twenties of these in London.At Old Hao's instigation they formed a Northern Chinese Cuisine Society and, naturally, elected him chairman. 在老郝头的倡议下,大家成立了个“北方菜联谊会,公推这位京城北方菜馆的鼻祖老郝头当了联谊会的会长。
- Such beings and the power that they acclaim is now under investigation by all dimensions within your Creation. 现在他们拥戴的这些存有和权力在你们造物内部所有密度的整合下。