- These pigs laid on quick. 这些猪长膘真快。
- These pigs laid on( flesh) quick. 这些猪长膘真快。
- These pigs are fattening up well. 这些猪长膘情况良好。
- Prohibition was laid on the export of coal. 禁止煤炭输出。
- Sightseeing tours are laid on for visitors. 已为来访者安排了观光活动。
- Come on quick or we'll be left behind. 快,不然我们就掉队了。
- The issue was laid on the table. 那一议案被搁置一边。
- We can't move in until the electricity has been laid on. 我们得等电源接通后才能搬进去。
- These pigs are fattening upwell. 这些猪长膘情况良好。
- These pigs are being fatted out as porkers. 这些猪正在被催肥以供食用。
- It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。
- A piece of glass is laid on top of the magnet. 一块玻璃被搁在那磁铁的上面。
- Jack could not finish his task, because he was laid on his back last week. 杰克没能完成任务,因为上个星期他卧病在床。
- Come on quick, or we will miss the plane. 快,要不我们会误了飞机的。
- Fly is with dung of these pigs, chicken feed, yield maggot bug. 蛆虫含有极丰富的高蛋白,是喂养畜禽、鱼、虾的高级饲料。
- She has laid on 8 pounds since she came here. 自从来这儿她的体重增加了8磅。
- The club laid on a special meal for us. 俱乐部给我们提供了一顿特别的饭菜。
- A concert was laid on for the foreign guests. 为外宾安排了一场音乐会。
- We have electricity laid on all over the city. 我们把电送至全市。
- These pigs have bean-sized cysts inside their bodies, so they cannot be sold. 这些都是豆猪,坚决不能卖杀。