- Geologists use thermodynamic phase diagrams to understand processes in the earth. 地质学家利用热力学相图推测地球的演变过程。
- The Application Examples of Thermodynamic Phase Diagram in New Ceramic 热力学参数状态图在新型陶瓷材料中的应用实例
- Thermodynamic phases diagrams 热力学相图
- Stability Phase Diagrams of Food Macromolecules. 食品大分子稳定相图表。
- I attended CALPHAD (Calculate Phase Diagrams). 我出席 CALPHAD(计算相位图解?
- Based on the non-equilibrium thermodynamic coupling model,the isotherm,isopiestic and cross section phase diagrams for diamond growth in C-H-O system are calculated. 基于非平衡热力学耦合模型计算得到三元体系中生长金刚石的等温、等压及竖直截面相图。
- Click on the buttons below to learn more about phase diagrams. 在下面按下钮扣学习更多关于状态图表的事。
- SnO2-ZrO2-2WO3 system phase diagram is described and analyzed. 制作和分析了SnO_2-ZrO_2-2WO_3系统相图;
- The thermodynamic stability of the microemulsion was inspected by phase diagram method, the radius of the microemulsion droplets were calculated and the W/O zone of the emulsions was confirmed. 用相图法分析了微乳液体系的热力学稳定性,计算了水核半径的大小,并考察了影响微乳液W/O区域范围的各种因素。
- The Phase Diagram and the Pressure-Temperature Behavior of Proteins. 蛋白质相图表、蛋白质在压力-温度下的行为。
- Added "Moon Phase Diagram " in "Astronomical / Tidal Information" column. 于"天文和潮汐资料"栏新增"月相图"。
- The reason of the brittle rupture of 4Cr9Si2 steel wire for valve during cold drawing after medium annealing is carefully analyzed by means of SEM/EDX, phase extraction & X-ray diffraction analysis and Thermo-Calc thermodynamic phase calculation, etc. 用扫描电镜 /能谱分析、X射线萃取相分析和Thermo -Calc热力学相计算等方法 ,分析了 4Cr9Si2阀门钢丝在冷拔过程中发生脆断的原因。
- We studied the phase diagrams of S= 3/2 and S=2 Blume-Caple model by using Monte Carlo computer simulations. 利用计算机Monte Carlo模拟,研究自旋S=3/2和S=2 Blume-Capel模型的相图。
- The formation of these constituent phases will follow the evolution of their corresponding e/a-constant lines in the Al-(Cu,Ni)-(Fe,Co) pseudo-ternary phase diagrams. 而且,合金中相组成的演变规律符合Al-(Cu,Ni)-(Fe,Co)伪三元相图中合金相应等电子浓度线的演变规律。
- Villars,A Prince,H Okamoto.Handbook of Ternary Alloy Phase Diagrams[M].ASM International,Copyright 1995. 锰硅合金凝固过程的偏析、结构和强度[A].;第八届国际铁合金大会[C]
- The compound eugenol nanoemulsion was prepared by pseudo-ternary phase diagrams. 采用伪三元相图法探讨了复方丁香酚纳米乳的形成条件。
- cloud thermodynamic phase retrieval 云相态分类
- I. Karakaya and W. T. Thompson, “The Pb-Sn System”, Bulletion of Alloy Phase Diagrams, 1998, Vol. 9, pp. 144-152. 张树人,“无铅焊锡之凝固组织与机械性质间关系研究”,国立台湾师范大学工业教育研究所,硕士论文,民国85年。
- It is an information and research platform in Materials Chemistry, specialised in materials constitution, phase diagrams and thermodynamics. 合金材料组成和相图数据。
- The sublattice magnetizations M_A and M_B as functions of temperature and the phase diagrams of the system are obtained by the numerical calculation. 通过数值计算,得出了亚晶格磁化强度M_A,M_B。 随温度变化的曲线和系统在不同配位数情况下的相图。