- Thermal electric power plants 火电厂
- thermal electric power plant 火电厂
- Power plants like this are called Ocean Thermal Electric Conversion plants (OTEC). 风力也是一种自然能源。地球上的冷热变化形成了风。一些国家由于温度变化大,风也较多。英国就是如此,一年中好几个月都刮大风。
- This power plant supplies us with electric power. 这座发电厂给我们供电。
- The interior coat of chimneys for the electric power plant. 电厂烟囱内衬;
- The impact of thermal discharge from an electric power plant on eutrophication of Douhe reservoir (DHR) is discussed in this paper. 研究电厂温排水对陡河水库富营养化的影响。陡河水库属我国北方地区多功能浅水型水库,已运行40余年。
- This is a modern coal-burning electric power plant in Tientsin. 这是天津的一座燃煤的现代化发电厂.
- Surrogate Range: electric power plants affiliated to China Datang Corporation. 代理范围:中国大唐集团公司所属电厂。
- The Jiujiang power plant with a load capacity over1.3 kilowatts is the largest thermal power enterprise in middle China, and has already been completely finished, the power supply being dependable and strong and the electric power being abundant. 装机容量130多万千瓦的华中电网最大的火力发电企业九江发电厂已全面建成并网发电,城区电网改造已全面完成,供电可靠性强,电力充足。
- The Jiujiang power plant with a load capacity over 1.3kilowatts is the largest thermal power enterprise in middle China, and has already been completely finished, the power supply being dependable and strong and the electric power being abundant. 装机容量130多万千瓦的华中电网最大的火力发电企业九江发电厂已全面建成并网发电,城区电网改造已全面完成,供电可靠性强,电力充足。
- The paper introduces the applications of VLAN in Distributed Control Sys-tem in Hebi Tongli Electric Power Plant. 本文主要介绍了虚拟局域网在鹤壁同力电厂分散控制系统中的应用。
- Desulpho gypsum originates from electric power plants that use flue gas desulfurizer. 脱硫石膏为燃煤电厂烟气脱硫处理的一种化学副产物。
- solar thermal electric power generation 太阳能热发电
- Tokyo Electric Power Co. said that operations at nuclear power plants in Fukushima were not affected, Japan's national Kyodo News Agency said. 据日本国家共同社报道,东京电力公司表示,在福岛县的核电厂运作正常,并不受地震影响。
- thermal electric power generation 热发电
- With the rapid development of electric power,more than thirty power plants in Bohai Gulf have adopted the seawater desulfurization technology recently. 近几年,随着电力的快速发展,渤海湾出现了三十多座发电厂,竞相采用海水脱硫方案。
- Invests in the fields of water supply, sewage and rubbish processing, calzada, electric power plant, etc. 投资于供水、污水和垃圾处理、公路、电厂等领域。
- Nan thermoelectricity and the Mawan electric power two power plants are in Guangdong Province the large and middle scale power plants. 此外,公司参股的南山热电和妈湾电力两家电厂均属广东省内的大中型电厂。
- This scheme has the great advantage in application to the stepless speed control of the new AC electric power plant for torpedo. 该方法在新型鱼雷交流电动力系统的无级调速应用上将有很大的优势。
- Industry is a heavy user of electric power. 工业需耗费大量的电力。