- There is not a rag to cover him. 他赤身裸体。
- There is not a scrap of truth in what he says. 他说的话没有半点是真的。
- There is not a silver hair on her head. 她头上没有一根银发。
- There is not a particle of truth in his report. 他的报告没有一点真实性。
- There is not a vestige of truth in the report. 该报告毫无真实性。
- There is not a tittle of evidence against him. 没有一点儿不利于他的证据。
- There is not a shred of evidence for his guilt. 毫无他犯罪的证据。
- There is not a speck of doubt about it. 那件事一点疑问也没有。
- There is not a whit of truth in the statement. 这项声明毫无真实之处。
- There is not a particle of truth in what he says. 他说的没一句真话。
- There is not a fraction of truth in his statement. 他说的话一点也不真实。
- There is not a solitary exception. 无一例外。
- There is not a vestige of truth in what he says. 他所说的没有一句是真话。
- There is not a breath of air in the hot auditorium. 在那个闷热的礼堂里没有一丝微风。
- There is not a particle of truth in the statement. 陈述中没有一点真话。
- There is not a ray of intelligence in him. 他没有一点才智。
- There is not a shred of truth in it. 其中没有一点道理。
- There is not a moment to be lost. 刻不容缓。
- There is not a grain of truth in what she says. 她说的没有一句真话。
- There is not a mechanic or technician who hasn't had this problem. 没有一个机工或技师不碰到这样的问题。