- There goes your cannon fodder. 永别了,海军的炮灰。
- It"s definitely a temporal piece of real estate. As technology evolves, maybe direct navigation will fall off the charts and there goes your property. 这绝对是一个时空一块地产。随着技术的不断进步,也许直航将坠落图表,是你的财产。
- There goes your pet, Sammy, eh? 你那个宠物去了,桑未,咦?
- All the Army wanted you for was cannon fodder. 军队就是要你来当炮灰嘛。
- Nearly useless against cannon fodder! 对付炮灰部队几乎是无用的。
- Use only with own cannon fodder. 当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。
- Used as cannon fodder in the later game stages. 在后期的游戏中当作炮灰使用。
- Here you some cannon fodder for the attack mode. 下面就为大家介绍一些炮灰的进攻方式。
- Sometimes usefull in the lategame when your opponet exaggerated with cannon fodder. 在后期的游戏中可以拿来对抗敌人的炮灰。
- There goes the siren for passengers to go aboard. 汽笛响了,旅客们该登船了。
- There go my two sons. Can you guess which is the elder? 那是我的两个儿子.;你能猜出哪个大吗?
- Conscripts make good cannon fodder, but for officers we need volunteers. 征召可以召来不错的炮灰,但是我们需要自愿来的军官。”
- There goes the last of our spinning reserve. 现在动用了我们最后的旋压的储备了。
- Annie: How goes your preparation? 安妮:你准备得怎么样了?
- In the eyes of the warmongers, soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder. 战争贩子们视士兵为炮灰。
- Listen!Here goes your favorite music. 听,这是你最喜欢的音乐。
- There goes the bell, let us go in. 铃响了,我们进去吧。
- You do not have to go your self. 你不必亲自去。
- Dash, there goes another button! 讨厌,又有一颗钮扣脱落了!
- Weakest defense. Build only as cannon fodder or if you have too much metal. Average defense against small fighters. 最弱的防御。只有当你有很多金属或是要造炮灰的时候才盖它们。对抗轻歼的表现普普。