- There was a faint wild fragrance of sweet shrub on the breeze and the world smelled good enough to eat. 微风里掺和着新灌木和野花的淡淡清香,整个世界都是秀色可餐了。
- There was a muting in the camp because they weren't given enough to eat and the ringleaders were shot. 战俘营里因为吃不饱发生了暴动,为首的都给枪毙了。
- There was enough to cover school and books, but not enough for room and board. 那只足够用来交学费和买书,但维持不了食宿。
- Will there be time given to eat something? 有没有供吃饭的时间?
- If even one of you had walked by this microphone and told me there was Hope, that would have been enough to listen. 如果你们其中任何人到麦克风这里来,告诉我还有希望,那就足够了。
- There are enough of the candies to have one each. 有足够的糖果供每人吃一块。
- Will there be enough time for our connecting train? 到那儿后我们有时间办理换车手续吗?
- There was enough water to float the ship. 水深足以载舟。
- Will there be enough time for a few drinks? 还来得及喝上几杯吗?
- There was enough water to floatthe ship. 水深足以载舟。
- There are enough people to do the job. 有足够的人做这项工作。
- There was scarcely anything left to eat. 几没有剩下什麽可吃的东西。
- There were plenty of things to eat. 吃的东西很多。
- There were enough people to go around. 人手够了。
- There was enough electricity to power a calculator. 这些电量足够支持一台计算器。
- There are not members enough to make a House. 出席的议员未达到法定人数。
- There were plenty of eats,but not enough to drink. 有很多吃的,可是没什么喝的。
- Will there be enough time for make a few phone call. 有足够的时间打电话。
- There were plenty of eats, but not enough to drink. 有很多吃的,可是没什麽喝的。
- May there be enough clouds in you life to make a beautiful sunset. 祝愿你生命中有够多的云彩,来构造一个美丽的黄昏!