- Theravada Buddhism in mahayana Buddhism and some character is what? 小乘佛教和大乘佛教中都有的人物是哪些?
- Theravada Buddhism style left its traces in the grotto art in China is rare. 其造型留有小乘佛教的痕迹,在我国石窟艺术中实属罕见。
- Theravada Buddhism regards becoming an arhat as the goal of spiritual progress. 上座部认为,阿罗汉已解脱欲的束缚,不再转世。
- In ancient Burma,Theravada Buddhism kept a close relationship with the royal power. 在古代缅甸,上座部佛教一直同王权保持着紧密的联系。
- Tom : [Laughs] You said you did some Zen meditation. Do you like Theravada Buddhism, too? 汤姆:(大笑)你说你有在打禅。你也喜欢小乘佛教?
- Theravada Buddhism buildings of Yunnan, the religious center of local Dai people. 返回勐海,参观八角亭,这是云南最重要的佛教建筑之一。
- Achan Man's tradition represents “traditional orthodoxy” within the Thai Theravada Buddhism. 阿姜曼的系统在泰国原始佛教里面代表"传统的正说"。
- Tibetan Buddhism also incorporates the monastic disciplines of early Theravada Buddhism and the shamanistic features of the indigenous Tibetan religion, Bon. 藏传佛教也把早期小乘佛教的僧侣纪律和西藏本土宗教笨教和萨满教的特征合并在一起。
- Abstract:In China, Theravada Buddhism mainly spread in some ethnic nationalities such us Dai, Blan, Dean, Wa, Achang in the southwest region of Yunnan province. 近几十年来,傣族佛寺中出现了不少学有专长的中青年高级僧侣,其中许多人还被送往东南亚国家进修学习,他们对于佛教梵呗经腔曲调的唱诵往往有较高造诣。
- From these basic differences it can be seen that Luangpor Teean's teachings are quite distinct from the teachings of other traditions and teachers in contemporary Thai Theravada Buddhism. 从这些基本差异可以看出来,隆波田的教导完全不同于当代泰国原始佛教的其它系统和老师。
- In Theravada Buddhist countries, it is traditional to begin each meditation session with the recitation of a certain set of formulas. 在小乘佛教国家里,在每次禅定之前要进行一系列的仪式。
- " Xishuangbanna, the Lahu Theravada Buddhist faith. 西双版纳的拉祜族信仰小乘佛教。
- The Relationship between Political Power and Religious Power (Theravada Buddhism) in Pagan Dynasty in Burma 缅甸蒲甘王朝政权与教权(上座部佛教)的关系
- many people: What is the difference between Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism? ... 南北传佛教看似差异很大,到底本质是否相同呢?...
- Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India. 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。
- Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai. 有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。
- Sangha Day in Theravada tradition. 南传上座部传统的僧伽日。
- Mr White has converted to Buddhism. 怀特先生已改信佛教。
- He devoted his life to preach Buddhism. 他献身于宣扬佛教。
- That man has a strong belief in Buddhism. 那个男子虔诚地信仰佛教。