- Theories of moral development II. 道德发展的理论2。
- Stage Theories of Development: Piaget's Cognitive Development theory and Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development. 发展的阶段理论及观点的介绍:皮亚杰的认知发展理论与柯尔伯格的道德发展阶段理论。
- Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development 科尔伯格道德发展阶段论
- stage theory of moral development 道德发展阶段论
- Theory of Moral Development 道德发展理论
- Perhaps, justbecause of this, Beck has been paying close attention to the theoryof the stages of moral development. 或许正是由于这种原因,贝克一直关注道德发展的阶段理论。
- It is a glorious period of moral development in Chinese society in 1950's, when the ethos of righteous, uncorrupted, healthy and upward appears. 摘要20世纪50年代是中国社会道德建设的一段光辉的时期,中国社会出现了一个正直、康洁、健康、向上的社会风气。
- The pre-conventional level consists of the first and second stages of moral development, and are purely concerned with the self in an egocentric manner. 对于柯尔伯格,这些行动最好的结果是“可逆性”,在那里,道德行为的评价,是根据在转换角色的情形下,看该行为是否能够使每一个人都满意(俗称“道德抢座位游戏”)。
- It reflects his cosmological theory,moral theory and his theory of moral accomplishment. “致良知”是他的宇宙论、道德论,也是其修养论。
- Kohlberg's and Habermas's Stages of Moral Development theories provide important guidance for the concept, form and method of children's moral education. 摘要柯尔伯格与哈贝马斯的儿童道德发展阶段理论对当前儿童道德教育的理念、形式和方法具有重要的指导意义。
- MIQ (Moral Intelligence Quotient) may determine the level of moral development of a person and how he or she applies moral principles in his or her life. 德商:反映个人的道德水平或其道德对生活的支配能力。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- theory of cognitive moral development 道德认知发展理论
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- Theory of moral relativism; definition of faith and betrayal; arguments for and against prostitution and polygamy; Russell; Goldstein; debate on local cases. 道德相对主义、忠诚与不忠、妓女与多婚制的问题、罗素、高斯坦、本地个案之研究。
- He is Professor of Moral Philosophy at Oxford. 他是牛津大学伦理学教授。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- Theory of life bourn posts different moral bourns of individuals, which reflects the knowledge and partition of Moral cultivation's different arrangements virtually. 人生境界论揭示出个体各种不同的道德境界,这实质上反映出冯友兰对于道德修养不同层次的认识和划分。
- This dissertation introduces Lind’s theory of moral judgment ability about MJT, and with the Chinese version MJT some research was pushed into forward in China. 本文围绕MJT介绍了林德关于道德判断能力的理论,并借助中文版MJT尝试在中国进行了相关的研究。
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。