- Then plane the wood smooth. 然后把木头刨光。
- The ways to use a plane: Check the plane firstly. Then plane the board with it. Make the board smooth and flat. 使用刨子的方法:先检查刨子是否有问题,然后均匀用力去刨,力求把木块刨的平整、光滑。
- The carpenter planed the wood down. 木匠将木头刨平。
- When he started to plane the wood, he heard a giggling noise. 当他开始刨那块木头时,他听到一阵咯咯的笑声。
- The wood finisher used a felt block and often a leather-covered block with pumice powder to sand the wood smooth. 木质涂漆者经常用一个软打磨垫块和一层皮子包裹的打磨块沾浮石粉来打磨木材表面。
- He filed the wood smooth. 他把木头锉光滑。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The axe sliced through the wood. 斧头一下子把木头劈开了。
- The wood rudder of the ship was broken. 船的木头舵坏了。
- The wood caught fire and then the house. 先是木头着火了,然后是房子。
- He hurried by and disappeared in the wood. 他匆匆走过去,消失在森林里。
- He started a bird as he walked in the wood. 他在林子里走时,惊动了一只鸟。
- We came to the margin of the wood. 我们来到树林的边缘。
- Please plane the knots off those tree trunks. 请刨掉树干上突起的小结。
- I'm going into the wood to cool off. 我想进村林子里去凉快一下
- The little boy lost in the wood was buried in leaves. 迷失在森林中的那个小男孩被树叶埋起来了。
- The surface of the wood was pitted with holes made by insects. 那块木头的表面被昆虫蛀了一个个的洞。
- The path follows the river and then goes through the woods. 这条小径与河并排,而後穿过林子。
- Before painting the wood, roughen the surface with sandpaper. 油漆木器前,先用砂低把表面磨毛糙。
- Then, Mister Brown uses rough sandpaper to smooth the gouge marks in the wood. 接着,布朗先生用粗糙的砂纸打磨圆凿留在木料上的刻痕。