- Their life is a poem full of attractive power. 他们的生活简直是一首迷人的诗。
- Their life is a poem. 他们的生活是一首诗。
- Their life is a natural harmony. 他们的生活是一种自然的和谐。
- Their life is a natrual harmony. 他们的生活自然、和谐。
- Their lives is a poem. 他们的生活是一首诗。
- He asked the children to make up a poem about their life in the army. 他让孩子们写首诗来反映他们在部队的生活。
- Childhood is a dream, early youth is a painting, youth is a poem, prime of lif is a novel, and middle age is a prose, while agedness is a philosophy oh, how colorful life is ! 童年是一场梦,少年是一幅画,青年是一首诗,壮年是一部小说,中年是一篇散文,老年则是一套哲学。人生呵,何等的多姿多彩!
- A democratic may of life is a life of give and take. 民主的生活方式是一种公平交换的生活。
- This is a poem impregnated with optimism. 这是一首充满乐观主义(精神)的诗。
- For most people, happiness is a wavering and uncertain, because their life is always subject to outside influence. 对多数人来讲,幸福是游移不定的,因为他们的生活总是受外界的影响。
- Her life is a poem. 她的生活就是一首诗。
- Their life is rooted in Chicago now. 他们在芝加哥定居了。
- It is a poem of his own composing. 这是他自己写的诗。
- However, their life is busier and busier. 然而,他们的生活也愈来愈忙。
- A picture is a poem without words. 一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。
- Because their life is always pampered, there is a great possibility that they would be unable to deal with any frustration or failure. 首先,因为他们的生活总是一帆风顺,因此他们很有可能将来无法面对挫折和失败。
- Life is a poem. 人生就是一首诗。
- There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries. 世事的起伏本来是波浪式的,人们要是能够趁着高潮一往直前,一定可以功成名就;
- For SIDI, footwear is a family business.It is their life. 对于SIDI,鞋是他们的家族生意,是他们的生活。
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。