- Their licences have expired. 他们的执照已过期了。
- At the end of 2001,there were 864 licensed money lenders,including those whose applications for renewing their licences had yet to be approved. 二零零一年年底时,本港共有864名持牌放债人,包括牌照续期申请尚待批准的放债人。
- At the end of 2001, there were 864 licensed money lenders, including those whose applications for renewing their licences had yet to be approved. 年底时,本港共有864名持牌放债人,包括牌照续期申请尚待批准的放债人。
- Most premises have extended their licences by only an hour or so. 大多数酒肆仅仅将营业时间延长了一个小时左右。
- My membership in the club has expired. 我的俱乐部会员资格已期满
- Immigration Minister Paul Swain says student's staying on after their visas have expired "is a huge problem". 这些留学生在完成学业后非法逾期居留,其中一些人甚至参与严重的犯罪活动。
- Number of ATP release timers that have expired on this port. 在这个端口上已经过期的ATP发行计时器数目。
- Sorry, your visa have expired, please go there to apply for the landing visa. 对不起,你的签证已经过期,请到那里去申请落地签证。
- The semaphore timeout period has expired. 信号灯超时时间已到。
- The certificate you are viewing has expired. 您正在查看的证书已经过期。
- In addition, incentives are offered to encourage hawkers either to give up their licences or to move into the venues. 此外,本署又向小贩提供优惠,鼓励他们放弃牌照或迁入上述场所经营。
- Occurs when a windows timer interval has expired. 在窗口计时器间隔过期时发生。
- An internal consistency timer has expired. 内部一致性计时器已经过期。
- And they each kept to their own System, hardware and software, and did not interchange, for their Licences forbade it. 无论软件还是硬件都自成一派,并且用许可协议加以控制,阻扰相互之间的连通。
- His driving licence has been endorsed. 他的驾驶执照上有违章记录。
- The lease has expired and is seeking sponsorship. 该租约已经到期并且正在查找主办关系。
- The welcome for foreign investment became more selective; many small businesses had their licences withdrawn. 古巴对外国投资也变得有选择性,许多小商业公司也被撤销了经营许可证。
- Your password has expired on this server. 您在这台服务器上的密码已过期。
- The context has expired and can no longer be used. 上下文已过期,不能再用了。
- The server licensor certificate has expired. 服务器许可方证书已过期。