- Their animosity runs deep. 他们的怨恨很深。
- Blood Sister: Their corruption runs deep. 血妹:他们的内心已经腐蚀到了极点。
- Touchiness about the Amazon still runs deep. 投资于巴西的热带雨林仍然需要极大的智慧。
- Dignity and pride run deep in this community. 尊严和骄傲已深深扎根于这个群体之中。
- People's fear of the Republican-initiated plan was exceeded only by their animosity toward the Speaker himself. 人们对共和党人提出的这项计划的疑惧仅次于他们对议长本人的憎恶心情。
- Run for one's lifeStill waters run deep. 静水深流。
- The wounds are slow to heal and the scars run deep. 伤口很难愈合,伤疤很深。
- If Camp Nou was lulled it was more by the effortless superiority of Barcelona than a waning of their animosity towards the opposition front bench. 如果诺坎普被他所麻痹,因为巴萨轻而易举的轻敌要比逐渐减弱的对对方教练席的仇恨来的更多。
- Stephen Bayne Still waters run deep. 静水流深,大智若愚。
- The path to glory is always rugged.Still water runs deep. 曲径通幽,静水流深。
- Played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents' territory. 在头三局中把球打出界外; 跑入对方场靠近场外的地方
- Love of freedom runs deep in the national consciousness. 对自由的热爱深深地根植于这个民族的意识之中。
- Convictions run deep in this Capitol when it comes to immigration. 在移民问题上,国会山上人们的信念根深蒂固。
- We are Noodle folk, Broth runs deep through our veins. 我们是做面条的,我们血液里流淌着面汤。
- We are Noodle folk,broth runs deep through our veins. 我们是面条世家,血管中都流着面条汤汁。
- For the westerner, the roots of independence run deep. 对这位西方人来说,独立的根子扎得很深。
- Shallow streams make most din; still waters run deep. 溪浅声喧,静水流深。
- The ties between Zak, his father and the Giants run deep. 扎克、他的父亲以及巨人队之间具有紧密联系。
- The notion of achieving change gradually runs deep in Eastern culture. 逐步实行改革的概念已深深地在东方文化中扎根。
- And his countrymen's determination to put their animosities aside should encourage others struggling to put broken countries back together. 卢旺达人抛弃仇恨的勇气应该可以给那些想要融合的分裂的国家一个很好的鼓励。