- Several soldiers are on leave in our village. 几位军人正在我们村子里休假。
- The soldiers are on leave. 士兵们在休假。
- The bridge the soldiers were on started to fall down and they had to run for it. 战士们所在的桥开始坍塌,他们不得不到安全地暂避。
- The soldiers are loyal to their country. 士兵们忠于他们的国家。
- The soldiers are encamped in the forest. 士兵在森林里安营。
- The soldiers were on the march towards the front in spite of the heavy rain. 尽管下着大雨,战士们仍在向前线进军。
- The soldier are sailing for old Blighty tomorrow. 士兵明日将启航返英国本土。
- The enemy soldiers are near by so be on your toes. 敌方的士兵就在附近,提高警觉!
- The soldiers are ready at all times to smash the enemy's attacks. 士兵们随时准备粉碎敌人的进攻。
- The soldiers are still holding the fort, but they're hanging on by their eyelids. 士兵们仍然固守城堡,但他们已陷于险境。
- Bad feelings among the soldiers were growing fast and they were on the verge of staging a mutiny. 曹操在这紧要关头机敏下令:士兵行至前面的梅林休息。
- The soldiers were ordered to present arms. 士兵们奉命举枪致敬。
- The antagonism of the soldiers was growing fast and they were on the verge of staging a mutiny. 曹操在这紧要关头机敏下令:士兵行至前面的梅林休息。
- The soldiers were mown down by enemy gunfire. 士兵大批大批地被敌军炮火打死。
- The soldiers are on parade. 士兵们正在受检阅。
- The soldiers were given their rations of food. 士兵们分得了他们的给养口粮。
- A number of teachers are on leave. 一些老师请假了。
- The soldier was good at playing fife. 这名士兵善于吹笛子。
- The soldier was cited by the king for his bravery. 这士兵由于英勇而受到国王的褒扬。
- The soldiers are brave and skillful in battle. 战士们骁勇善战。