- The navy has made a man of him. 海军把他培养成人。
- I was made a man of by my experiences in the navy. 在海军部队的经历使我长大成人了。
- The army will make a man of him. 军队将把他锻炼成人。
- A couple of years at sea will help to make a man of him. 到海上锻炼两三年有利于他长大成人。
- That would have made him a man of distinction. 这能显示出他地位的卓越。
- She has made a conquest of a man. 她在爱情上征服了他。
- Diet and exercise made a new man of him. 节食和运动使他面貌一新。
- The vacation made a new man of him. 休假以后,他像变了一个人似的。
- A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy,and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. 做母亲的要费二十年工夫把她的男孩子养大成一个男子汉,到了别的女人手上,只要二十分钟就会把他变成一个笨汉。
- They have made a good job of the printing. 他们干印刷工作很出色。
- A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes. 做母亲的要费二十年工夫把她的男孩子养大成一个男子汉,到了别的女人手上,只要二十分钟就会把他化为一条笨汉。
- The wind and waves make a man of a sailor. 水手是在大风大浪中成长的。
- The Navy has its tactics and training items. 海军有自己的战术和训练项目。
- Brace up, and make a man of yourself. 振作起来,做个男子汉吧。
- The Navy has made great pro-gress in enhancing missile availability,three-dimensional operation capability and information capability,and it thus has acquired the ca-pability of offshore defensive operations. 海军在导弹化、立体化、信息化建设方面取得了很大进步,已具备了近海防御作战能力。
- The reporter has made a comprehensive report. 记者已做了全面的报道。
- The Navy has made great progress in enhancing missile availability, three-dimensional operation capability and information capability, and it thus has acquired the capability of offshore defensive operations. 海军在导弹化、立体化、信息化建设方面取得了很大进步,已具备了近海防御作战能力。
- The Navy has made great pro-gress in enhancing missile availability, three-dimensional operation capability and information capability, and it thus has acquired the ca-pability of offshore defensive operations. 海军在导弹化、立体化、信息化建设方面取得了很大进步,已具备了近海防御作战能力。
- More than any other of the crack relicts of the old Navy who now serve under him, Raeder has always been a man of one idea: the Navy must be rebuilt, must again fight on (and not only under) the sea. 他比他所率领的从旧海军出来的同僚有一种更强烈的愿望:海军必须要重建,必须再次屹立在水面之上,而不仅仅是在水下逞威。
- The swallow has made a nest under our eaves. 燕子在我们的屋檐下垒了一个窝。