- at the end of the late Han Dynasty 东汉末年
- the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty 汉末三国
- the celebrities in the late Han Dynasty 汉末名士
- celebrities during the late Han Dynasty 汉末名士
- On the Biographies of Famous Bachelors of the Late Han Dynasty 试论汉末的名士别传
- The Awakening of Natural Rationalness of Old Scholars in the Late Han Dynasty 汉末士人自然理性的觉醒
- Confucianism Established as Official Ideology and the Abuses in the Late Han Dynasty 儒学的官方意识形态化与汉末流弊
- The late Han Dynasty 东汉末年
- Acting officials were inexistent in late Han Dynasty, but such titles as Acting assistant or Acting Minister remained and changed to normal officials. 到汉末假官作为一种制度已不存在,但其中假佐、假司马、假侯等称谓保留了下来,幷转为常官,意义已不同于前。
- Late Han Dynasty was in a midst of civil war.The rise of warlords became a blow to the legitimacy.Cao Cao and Sun Quan dev... 题材还是百年不烂的三国,在游戏中你扮演的一方将是传统的蜀国,不论是画面还是内容都是一流水准,完善的升级系统,丰富的魔法技能。
- The horse and chariot tomb figures of the mid and late Han Dynasty, such as the wooden horses and chariots unearthed at Weiwu, Gansu Province, appear simple and strong. 汉代中晚期的车马俑也很有特点,造型拙朴,气宇轩昂,如甘肃武威的木制车马俑。
- Editorial Features and Historical Contribution of Chronicles of the Later Han Dynasty 《后汉纪》的编撰特色及其史学地位
- Cao Cao (155-220 AD) was an outstanding statesman, strategist and man of letters of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. 曹操(公元155-公元220)是东汉末年的杰出的政治家、军事家、和文学家。
- There were many folk Fus in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and they affected literators' works. 民间赋创作在东汉末年应该是繁盛的,并且对文人赋的创作有较大影响。
- The Relation Between the "Hongdumen School of Classical Philology" and the Shift of Literature Academicism of the Later Han Dynasty "鸿都门学"与汉末文学风气变迁之关系
- The Relation Between the "Hongdumen Schoo1 of C1assical Philology" and the Shift of Literature Academicism of the Later Han Dynasty “鸿都门学”与汉末文学风气变迁之关系
- Museum exhibits a true reproduction of the human history of the late Eastern Han Dynasty and then the three countries Chibi Aobing the spectacular scenes. 馆内的展品真实地再现了东汉末年的人文历史和当时三国赤壁鏖兵的壮观场面。
- Especially, the separateion with his mother became a kind of unfilial crime in later Han Dynasty. 西汉中期以后,这些罪名相继入律,至东汉“与母别居”也成为不孝罪的内容之一。
- The late boy made a beeline for his classroom. 迟到的男孩抄捷径跑去上课。
- The dean returned in the late afternoon. 系主任是在傍晚时分回来的。