- The building and the interior space are of traditional styles of Han,Yi,Bai and Tibetan nationality cultures. 驿栈的建筑及室内设计采用了汉族、纳西族、白族、藏族等民族的装饰风格。
- Other carefully studied openings 襜omb?the interior space with direct sun light. 在其他精心设计的开口处也由直射的日光“炸开”内部空间。
- At the moment, the GRG walls in the interior space and the landscape are under construction. 目前正在进行内部的GRG墙体以及景观石材铺装工作。
- The structure punctuates the interior space, while creating an atmosphere conducive to reflection. 同样这样的建筑结构也打破了传统的室内布局,创造了一个有利于反思的场所。
- The interior space is fine. It is actully larger inside than the external dimensions would say. Front leg space is good, rear leg space is adequate. 内部空间不错,实际上比从外面看的大的多,腿部空间很好,后面的腿部空间足够。
- The interior space can be reconfigured to carry two AT-ST walkers instead, though they require partial disassembly to fit inside. 其内部空间也足够放置两架AT-ST步行者,但是它们某些部分需要拆卸下来,以适应货舱的形状。
- We design a light metallic system which permits ample overhangs, freeing up the interior space from other structural elements or walls. 设计者为其设计了高悬的轻的金属系统,使其内部空间和其他的结构以及墙体分离。
- We design a light metalic system which permits ample overhangs, freeing up the interior space from other structural elements or walls. 设计师设计了一个轻金属系统,允许悬垂,释放了室内空间和其他结构元素以及墙体。
- The overemphasis on the exterior elevation in its former design resulted in the closeness, straitness and irregularity of the majority of the interior space. 原建筑设计对外立面效果的过度强调导致了大部分室内空间的封闭、狭窄与不规则。
- The interior space is organized by tow parallel corridors perforated by skylights, that bring the Atlantic sun inside, and create constant changes on the interior. 室内空间由两条平行走廊组织,天花板上开了一些圆形或条形的洞,用以将大西洋的阳光引入室内,同时在室内形成连续不断的变化。
- In accordance with people s prospective need for the interior enviroment,the paper makes exploration from the three aspects of interior space,hue and energy efficiency. 文章依照人们对建筑室内环境的前瞻性需求,分别从建筑室内空间、色彩、节能三方面进行探求。
- Xi'an is a city in the interior of China. 西安是一个内陆城市。
- The world's first vast interior space. 世界上第一所最大的室内场所。
- Although room space is small, it is the interior space that has individual local color most however, must not make make the room that sleeps only, be apt to is added use, will discover it is the pretty good castle that build a dream. 房间空间虽小,却是最具个人风味的室内空间,千万不要使之成为只有睡觉的场所,善加利用,将会发现它是不错的筑梦城堡。
- Lens face is transparent, the object that glance, have enlarge the space, vision result that increases depth; And its flowing and shining surface, can cause the interior space effect like crystal. 镜面是透明、反光的物体,有扩大空间、增加深度的视觉效果;而其平滑光亮的表面,可造成水晶般的室内空间效果。
- Lens face is the object that glance, have enlarge the space, vision result that increases depth; And its flowing and shining surface, can cause the interior space effect like crystal. 镜面是反光的物体,有扩大空间、增加深度的视觉效果;而其平滑光亮的表面,可造成水晶般的室内空间效果。
- The architect laid out the interior of the building. 设计师设计了这座建筑的内部格局。
- The interior design is very creative and artistic. 室内设计非常独特,有艺术水准。
- The interior of the house is spacious. 房子内部很宽敞。
- We put paper on the interior walls of our house. 我们在房子的里墙上糊纸。