- The coach was turned around. 马车转了过来。
- The coach was full so a relief was put on. 长途汽车已满员,所以增开了一辆。
- The coach was drawn by four greys. 大马车由四匹灰色的马拉着。
- The air in the coach was thick with tobacco fumes. 旅游车车厢里充满了烟味。
- That was somebody else's whoop, or else I was turned around. 准是别的什么人的喊声吧,要不然,那就是我的划子转过头了。
- The coach was criticized for his negative tactics. 教练由于战术消极而受到了批评。
- It would be ourselves who seemed to be turned around. 倒是我们自己这儿的一切好像都被颠倒了。
- Yet this argument can be turned around to argue for a multiverse. 可是这个论点也可以用来支持多重宇宙。
- The coach was incompetent and the team suffered repeated defeats. 教练无能,该队屡遭败绩。
- Through the power of right thinking can it be turn around? 那么,通过正确的思维的力量,可以改变这种情形吗?
- The seat is a cushioned chair which can be turned around in any direction. 列车员: 座位是带软垫的椅子,可以朝各个方向转动。
- When the coach was planning who would play in the big game,he counted Paul out,because Paul had a hurt leg. 当教练拟定谁参加这次重大比赛时,他没把保罗算在内,因为保罗的腿摔坏了。
- When the high school team lost the championship game, the coach was hung in effigy by the people. 中学队输了冠军赛后,人们吊起了教练的模拟像。
- BUT - and this is a big one - all the things that seem GOOD about an extrovert can be turned around on them. 但---这是很重要的一条---对外向的人来讲上述所有的优点可能被解读成相反的意思。
- When the high school team lost the championship game, the coach was hung in effigy by the towns people. 中学队输了冠军赛后,镇民们焚烧教练的肖像以泄愤。
- He turned around and voted with the Whigs. 他改变了宗旨,投了辉格党人的票。
- When the coach was planning who would play in the big game, he counted Paul out, because Paul had a hurt leg. 当教练拟定谁参加这次重大比赛时,他没把保罗算在内,因为保罗的腿摔坏了。
- The former Santos star in the Bernabeu Stadium, the coach was asking for more activities in the Zuobian Lu. 这位前桑托斯球星在伯纳乌球场时,被主教练要求更多在左边路活动。
- The bus had to back up and turn around. 汽车得往后退,再倒过来。
- The classroom was turned upside-down. 教室被弄得乱七八糟。