- The cashier died in harness. 出纳员以身殉职。
- The old man says that he intends to die in harness. 那老人说他打算工作到死。
- I am sure he wanted to die in harness. 我确信他是希望死在他的岗位上的。
- I am sure he wanted to die in harness . 我确信他是希望死在他的岗位上的。
- He hopes he will always be like that and "die in harness". 他希望他总会象那样,而且“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”。
- The famous doctor died in harness,actually it was at a patient's home. 这位名医在身殉职,确切地说是死在病人的家。
- The famous doctor died in harness, actually it was at a patient's home. 这位名医在身殉职,确切地说是死在病人的家。
- The cheques must be signed in front of the cashier at the bank. 必须当著银行出纳员的面签这些支票。
- The cashier has done a bunk with the day's takings. 出纳员携带该日营业收入逃走了。
- He died in the last ditch in a fierce battle. 他在一次激战中奋战而死。
- Poor old Jones had a heart attack in the office,but at least he died in harness and not in some hospital bed. 可怜的老琼斯在办公室里发了心脏病,但至少他是死在工作岗位上而没有死在医院的病床上。
- He died in a shipwreck off the south coast. 他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡。
- The cashier recounted the money made that day. 收款人将那天赚的钱再数了一遍。
- Joe and I worked in harness on our last job. 在最近的一次任务中,乔与我通力合作。
- The robber threatened the cashier with a revolver. 强盗用左轮手枪威胁出纳员。
- Poor old Jones had a heart attack in the office, but at least he died in harness and not in some hospital bed. 可怜的老琼斯在办公室里发了心脏病,但至少他是死在工作岗位上而没有死在医院的病床上。
- He had to run in harness with them. 他不得不同他们共同工作。
- Henry's monthly salary is paid into the bank by the cashier. 亨利每月的工资由出纳员存入银行。
- I was in harness at the factory for over twenty years before it shut down. 我在那家工厂关闭前在那儿工作了20多年了。
- The cashier will have your bill ready in a moment. 收银员马上会帮您准备好您的账单.