- The paper is one of a series of studies on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system,and introduced the develop-ment of the blood pressure measurement module of ABPM. 本文是动态血压监测系统研究课题的系列论文之一,介绍血压测量模块的设计。
- Your blood pressure (ie force of the blood in the veins and arteries) is too high. 你的血压过高。
- The blood pressure is 120 over 80. 血压120/80
- The blood pressure measures 血压测量
- How is tonometer used? Where is the blood pressure that how measures oneself? How much should normal person be? 血压计怎么用?怎么测量自己的血压呢?正常人应该是多少?
- At whose blood pressure measuring is the earliest tonometer used? 最早的血压计用于测量谁的血压?
- The instrument measures the blood pressure in units called millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). 测量单位通常以毫米汞柱来计量。
- Exercise is the best way to normalize the blood pressure. 运动是最好的血压调整方法。
- Treatment of a hemolytic reaction includes taking measures to maintain the blood pressure and prevent kidney damage and bleeding. 溶血反应的处理措施包括维持血压、预防肾损伤及出血。
- The blood pressure raised from 61/31 mmHg up to 127/62 mmHg. 血压从61/31毫米汞柱上升到127/62毫米汞柱。
- Meditation often has a good effect upon the blood pressure. 冥想,往往有一个良好的效果后,血液中的压力。
- The major bummer is that the blood pressure meds make me fatigued. 主要的副作用是抗高血压药让我感到疲倦。
- The blood pressure,renin activity and IVU were normal. IVU排泄功能良好,形态正常。
- Keywords non-invasive blood pressure measure continuously;infrared photoelectrical sensor;volume of the blood;blood pressure; 关键词无创性连续血压测量;红外光电式换能器;血液容积;血压;
- Let's finished the rest of the examination and we'll check the blood pressure. 让我结束剩下的检查,我们还要查血压。
- She was sick at the sight of the blood. 她一见到血就感到恶心。
- In a multiple regression model, age and systolic blood pressure measured at home were positively correlated with AIx. 将增强指数作为因变量 ,年龄、身高、心率、家访时的收缩压及舒张压作为自变量进行多元回归分析显示 ,受试者年龄及收缩压与增强指数呈显著的正相关。
- We couldn't feel the changes in the blood pressure within the artery. 我们无法感觉到动脉血管内血压的变化。
- Doctor Zhang gave Liu a blood pressure measurement and printed out the results with a porting machine. 张医生给刘奶奶测量了血压,并用随身携带的便携式打印机打印出结果。
- The blood coursed through the arteries. 血液在动脉血管中循环。