- The admiral was piped aboard. 海军上将在欢迎他的哨子声中登舰。
- The Prime Minister was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. 汽笛长鸣迎接首相登船,全体水手发出欢呼声。
- The Prime Minister was piped aboard,and all the sailors cheered. 汽笛长鸣迎接首相登船,全体水手发出欢呼声。
- The hero was piped aboard,and all the sailors cheered. 英雄在鸣笛声中被迎上船,所有的水手都欢呼起来。
- The hero was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. 英雄在鸣笛声中被迎上船,所有的水手都欢呼起来。
- The admiral was given a state funeral. 这位海军上将被授予国家葬礼。
- Passengers were piped aboard ship at the start of the cruise. 游客在管乐迎宾曲中登船开始水上游。
- The Admiral was in command of all German forces in the north. 这位海军元帅正在指挥北方的德国全部军队。
- The admiral was annoyed to know about his son drug addicition. 那位海军上将因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼。
- The Admiral was agonized about her son addicted on drug. 那位海军上将因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼。
- The Admiral was in command of all German forces in the north . 这位海军元帅正在指挥北方的德国全部军队。
- At the behest of Grand Moff Tarkin, Vader released Motti, and it was a lesson that the admiral wasn't soon to forget. 高等星区首长塔金一声令下后,维德放开莫提,这应该是上将久久不能忘怀的一课。
- The admiral was referring to the new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan that President Obama announced on Friday. 马伦上将指的是上星期五奥巴马总统宣布的阿富汗和巴基斯坦新战略。
- The cove of the box was piped with caned designs. 盒盖上以雕花装饰。
- And it was clear that the Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son. 当这个反战人士看到这个海军上将是多么喜爱自己的儿子时,他终于明白,这个上将是个很不错的人。
- The admiral visit the ships under his command by helicopter. 舰队司令乘直升机视察他所指挥的军舰。
- The quilt was piped with cotton on the edge. 被子的边上装饰了棉线。
- And it was clear that the [b][color=#ff0000]Admiral was a wonderful person when the activist saw how much the Admiral adored his son. 很显然,当这位反战积极分子看到舰队司令对儿子是如何喜爱时,舰队司令成了一个可爱的人。
- Water was piped into the village two years ago. 两年前水由管子通到了村里。
- He was the admiration of his whole family. 他受到全家人的敬重。