- Color measurement research of Cave 85 at the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟第85窟颜色监测研究
- The Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟
- Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang [Gansu] 敦煌莫高窟
- Could you say something about the Mogao Grottoes? 请阐述一下莫高窟的情况好吗?
- The Mogao Grottos in the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province are composed of conglomerate rock that cannot be carved. 位于甘肃河西走廊的莫高窟属于玉门系砾岩,不能雕刻,
- Once I attended an international symposium on Dunhuang studies held at the Mogao Grottoes. 我去时,一次敦煌学国际学术讨论会正在莫高窟举行。
- Mogao Grotto in Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟
- The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang Grottoes is the nation's artistic treasures, called the "Thousand Buddhas. 敦煌莫高窟是我国三大石窟艺术宝库之一,又名"千佛洞"。
- The Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang frescoes formed its own complicated evolution during the development. 透过敦煌壁画衍变形成的各种不同的色彩风格,我们能领略其复杂多姿的色彩结构。
- Also called Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, the Mogao Grottoes lie in the steep cliffs of Mingsha Mountain of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. 敦煌莫高窟位于甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山东麓断崖上,又称千佛洞。
- The dance movements are similar with a mural in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, which depict the patrolling scene of an official named Zhang Yichao. 其舞姿和敦煌莫高窟壁画《张议潮出巡图》的仪仗中,
- People will soon be able to apply forpermission to visit the famous Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes in northwestChina's Gansu province over the internet. 人们不久便可以通过互联网申请获准参观位于中国甘肃省著名的敦煌莫高窟。
- Such as the Kizil Grottoes in Xinjiang, Gansu Maiji Mountain Grottoes, Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes have saved a lot of murals for the period, the high arts skills. 如新疆克孜尔石窟,甘肃麦积山石窟,敦煌莫高窟都保存了大量的该时期壁画,艺术造诣极高。
- The Mogao Grottoes, located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang city, Gansu Province, have a total of 492 caves. They are a treasure house of murals, sculptures and other cultural relics. 莫高窟,位于甘肃省敦煌市西南25公里处,共有492个洞窟,是壁画、雕塑和其他文物的宝库。
- Geologically, the rock mass of the Mogao Grottoes is semi-binder calcirudite of the quaternary sediment of very loose structure. 莫高窟岩体在地质学上属第四纪沙泥质、钙质半胶结砾岩,结构十分松散。
- They often rest in the grotto in the summer. 夏天里他们经常在避暑洞室里休息。
- The largest and richest Buddhist treasure trove in the world, the Mogao Grottoes have been in use for the longest time. 莫高窟是世界上最大、内容最丰富和使用时间最长的佛教艺术宝库。
- There are many invaluable murals and sculptures made between the 4th and the 14th centuries in the Mogao Grottoes. 莫高窟内有许多4到14世纪价值连城的壁画与石刻。
- The Kizit Thousand Buddha grottoes in Baicheng county are next only to the famous Mogao grottoes in scale. 新疆拜城县克孜尔千佛洞是规模仅决于著名莫高窟的石窟。