- The Bailongjiang River basin 白龙江流域
- Primitive tribes live in the Amazon River basin. 原始部落居住在亚马逊河盆地。
- South America: Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河流域。
- South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Madeira River basin. 南美洲:马得拉群岛河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Negro River basin. 南美洲:尼格罗河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。
- South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。
- Microgranular disseminated gold deposits along the middle-upper reaches of Bailongjiang River area are the gold deposits that were controlled by both strata and structure. 白龙江中上游地区微细浸染型金矿,是受地层和构造双重控制的金矿床。
- Long Gully was found in accordance with the "Dryopithecus Wudu" fossil study shows that as early as 1000 years ago, and North Bailongjiang Wudu River Basin is an important Australopithecus one life. 根据龙沟发现的“武都森林古猿”化石研究报告证明,早在1000万年前,武都白龙江和北峪河流域已是古猿生活的重要地区之一。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest. 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- Heritage survey, research found that Bailongjiang River and a tributary of the North River,ba he ditch, Fujin River Pingshang loess, buried an extremely rich cultural relics and ancient artifacts. 文物普查、考证发现,白龙江及支流北峪河、沟坝河、福津河沿岸的黄土坪上,埋藏着极为丰富的古文化遗迹和遗物。
- The township, the two sides in the Bailongjiang, undulating hills, a relatively flat topography. 全乡在白龙江两岸,山峦起伏,地势比较平坦。
- There is a flood in the river basin in the South this summer. 今年夏天南方江河流域发生了洪水。
- Integrated water resources management on river basin. 流域水资源集成管理。
- Fragility of the Ecological Environment iii Tarim River Basin. 塔里木内陆河流域生态环境脆弱性分析。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest . 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- In one river basin, I was enchanted by the color of mountain. 一处河湾,我很喜欢远处高山的颜色。
- Gazetteer South America: Amazon River basin, near Manaus, Brazil. 南美洲:亚马逊河流域,在巴西的马瑙斯的附近。