- The Anglican Church of Korea 大韩圣公会
- It was called the Church of England, or the Anglican Church. 被称为英国国教或英国圣公会。
- The establishment of the Anglican Church dates from the time when Henry broke away from the Church of Rome in 1543. 英国国教的建立时期追溯到1543年,国王亨利八世当时脱离了罗马教。
- The Anglican Church of Australia 澳大利亚圣公会
- The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea 巴布亚新几内亚圣公会
- The faith,doctrine,system,and practice of the Anglican Church. 基督教圣公会信仰,基督教圣公会教义,基督教圣公会体系,基督教圣公会实践。
- Evening Prayer:a daily evening service in the anglican Church. 晚祷:英国国教每晚的祈祷仪式.
- The Anglican church could be a step closer to a permanent split. 圣公会朝着永久分裂又近了一步。
- A hymn or psalm sung when the ministers enter at the opening of a service, especially in the Anglican Church. 圣餐礼开始时唱的赞美诗牧师开始宗教仪式时,特别是在英国圣公会教堂中唱的圣歌或赞美诗
- the Church of England = the Anglican Church, the Established Church in England (abbr C.E.) 英国国教
- the Church of England; the established Protestant Church in England;the Anglican Church 英国国教会;圣公会.
- A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop. 会吏总教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人
- The Anglican Church, however, was similar to that of the Roman Catholic Church. 不过英国圣公会类似于天主教会。
- Like the Pilgrims, the Puritans did not agree with the Anglican Church. 像朝圣者一样,清教徒对英国圣公会也表示异议,
- A prayer service in the Anglican Church, such as Morning or Evening Prayer. 日课在英国国教中的一个祈祷仪式如晨祷或暮祷
- St Andrew's Cathedral would come under the flag of the Anglican Church. 圣安德烈大教堂原本在圣公会旗下。
- Other Protestant groups criticized the Anglican Church on various grounds. 其他基督教团体在不同方面批评英国国教。
- The Spirit of Korea isin the Air. 韩国的精神在空中。
- The Church of England is not the power in the land it used to be. 英国教会在国内不如以前那样得势了。
- In the northern Colonies, for example, the promotional efforts of the Anglican Church met with strenuous resistance. 例如,英国圣公会在北部殖民区的传教工作,就遇到坚强的阻力。